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Forum - DKS


  1. J3rm41n3

    CFW 4.89.3 Evilnat

    4.89.3 EVILNAT (Cobra 8.4) Features Made out of 4.89 OFW (CEX) Ported Kernel and some modules from OFW 4.84 DEX Made manually without automatic tools PSN/SEN enabled Fixed layouts 272/480 from OFW 4.89 Disabled deletion of unsigned act.dat and .rif files Allowed unsigned act.dat and .rif files...
  2. S

    EUR Viaplay app Nopsn

    hi i search after a nordic streaming app with name Viaplay. ps3 has this one with nopsn. someone has patch this for ps4 jailbreak ?
  3. D

    ps3 HEN 3.0.1 RAP activation on the fly wont work

    Dear community - I have a ps3 SLIM running hfw 4.86.1 with HEN 3.0.1 and the on the fly activation of RAP files used to work. -First i had the 4.84 then i upgraded to 4.85.1 hfw with 3.0.0 HEN. -Then I installed the HEN TOOLBOX after applying the patches to DEV_FLASH (i think it was) and...
  4. D

    looking for CFW with no bd patch that can emulate bd

    Good day to start off i have ps3 fat 60 GB CECHC03 with a ''broken disc drive'' from a friend who wants to run (online/offline mods and backups including online. -Normal CFW wouldt let me boot homebrew etc (4.82.2REX debug) -his dad had replaced the disc drive,so I tried to remarry it and...
  5. D

    NPS browser ps4,3,2,1 and psp games and themes straight from server

    Here is a collection of playstation content from nopaystationstore, you can check it out, but i prefer a offline version cause spreadsheets does not funtion that good so here is a link to that.NoPayStation Database v2.5.zip and the official webpage is here:
  6. S

    Why isn't there any PS3 Games thread? Can't the PS4 handle PS3 games?

    Sorry guys, N00b question - But am I the only one here wondering why there isn't a thread for FAKE PS3 Games. I do see there's a bunch for PS4 games and also for PS2 Games. But why not PS3? Is the PS4 Not capable of running PS3 games at all - Or something the Jailbreak can unlock ( if so, why...