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Forum - DKS

Upgrading the internal PS4 HDD 5.05 Exploited Firmware question..


DKS Member
DarkSoftware Silver
Apr 18, 2020

I just recently purchased an 8TB 3.5 SATA HDD to replace my original 1TB HDD in my exploited 5.05FW PS4 pro. (I purchased a SATA extension to route the 3.5 to go on the side of the console)

1. What will I need to do to upgrade my HDD without losing my exploit?

2. Can you please put it in a bullet list format so other users can search and find for future use?

Thank you!

{Edit} Nevermind, This is what I was looking for.

(Second Edit) This is for Archive purposes if someone is trying to search information regarding using a 3.5 HDD 8TB for your PS4 5.05.

Install the 5.05 Recovery from HERE (Should be around 1GB) .PUP and Rename it to PS4UPDATE.pup.

Have a USB flash drive either formatted to FAT32 or EXFAT and Create a Folder called PS4 and create a folder within there called UPDATE and place your PS4UPDATE.pup file in there.

My goal was a little different because usually you can just plug a new 2.5 HDD in and Reinstall Firmware (PS4UPDATE.pup) and restore content and be good to go.

Using a 3.5 HDD 8TB is a little different. I had to use a Male to Female SATA Cable Extender that only had the data cable portion.

I had to use Standalone Power for the HDD because the PS4 didn't provide enough power*
Use any IDE to USB adapter power supply, it usually comes with SATA power Cables.

This is kind of a tedious option and if you only have a couple TB worth of FPKG files than just opt for a 5TB 2.5 HDD.

During every step of a HDD upgrade DO NOT FORGET to power cycle your 8TB HDD or you WILL get an error that says the PS4 cannot Start. So every time the PlayStation resets you need to do a powercycle.

ATTN Engineers!! If you know how to supply 12V Power to the SATA Adapter inside the PS4 please share that knowledge to eliminate the need for external power.

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