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Forum - DKS


  1. B

    Upgrading the internal PS4 HDD 5.05 Exploited Firmware question..

    Hello I just recently purchased an 8TB 3.5 SATA HDD to replace my original 1TB HDD in my exploited 5.05FW PS4 pro. (I purchased a SATA extension to route the 3.5 to go on the side of the console) 1. What will I need to do to upgrade my HDD without losing my exploit? 2. Can you please put it...
  2. R

    The data from the following application is corrupted. PS4 Fat, Hen 1.8

    Hey, I have a PS4 fat with 500GB internal HDD with 5.05 firmware and I use an external 1TB USB 3.0 HDD formatted to exfat to install fpkgs. I have installed firstly god of war 4, which runs nice and have been playing that for quite some time. The problem is that, whatever I choose new to...
  3. B

    Currupted DB after FTP savegame

    What ive done: I have a ogirinal PS4 5.05 jailbroken backed up by the official way backed up also by the jailbreak way Games are a mix of disk and fpkg took hard drive out put new 2tb hard drive in tried to restore via ftp copying the two folders on the USB root to the newly installed fresh...