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Forum - DKS


  1. DorianX

    Tutorial How to Upgrade firmware 14.1.2 without burning eFuses.

    Atmosphere and Daybreak.nro will be used to upgrade In this tutorial I will show you how to upgrade to firmware 14.1.2 without burning fuses. I also made an allinonepackage rar file . It contains everything you will need. i.e { sigpatches, fuseeprimary, hekate bootloader, Daybreak homebrew...
  2. DorianX

    Tutorial How to upgrade Nintendo Switch to firmware 13.2.0 offline without burning Fuses.

    Atmosphere and Daybreak.nro will be used to upgrade In this tutorial I will show you how to upgrade to firmware 13.2.0 for that Sweet Bluetooth connectivity without burning fuses. I also made an allinonepackage rar file . It contains everything you will need. i.e { sigpatches, fuseeprimary...
  3. B

    Upgrading the internal PS4 HDD 5.05 Exploited Firmware question..

    Hello I just recently purchased an 8TB 3.5 SATA HDD to replace my original 1TB HDD in my exploited 5.05FW PS4 pro. (I purchased a SATA extension to route the 3.5 to go on the side of the console) 1. What will I need to do to upgrade my HDD without losing my exploit? 2. Can you please put it...