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Forum - DKS

fake package

  1. Vitosal

    PS4 - The Ezio Collection - Ubisoft Rewards

    Hey guys, I finally got around to making a backup of my Ezio Collection. I haven't played it since its release. I've reinstalled it and currently playing through it to make sure it's okay, but I've only just remembered that there was some “DLC” or “Ubisoft Club” rewards which I cannot get...
  2. KebabS

    Playing retail games + DLC

    Hey guys How do I play a game like Tekken 7 with DLC? I got the game as disc but I cannot seem to play DLC 1. I tried installing the DLC that my brother, 윤희지, uploaded but unfortunately it doesn't work :( I am using a jailbroken PS4 on 5.05, Han 1.7. I hope someone can help me. I jailbroke my...
  3. M

    PS4 Language pack extraction

    Hey guys, I am new to ps4 scene so pardon my unawareness but I tried to find it but could not find anything on this topic. i was wondering if we can delete the extra language pack using some extractor or some app and repack packages and install on ps4 without wasting space. like we used to do...
  4. T

    PS4 FPKG Update Repackager by Tooretoo42

    What is this ? A script that make quick and easy the repackaging of ps4 fpkg update (fully automated process) Who did this ? This script has been written completely from scratch by myself (inspired by duxa’s unpacker). Why should I use it ? To resign fpkg update build with a different base...