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  1. J3rm41n3

    CFW 4.89.3 Evilnat

    4.89.3 EVILNAT (Cobra 8.4) Features Made out of 4.89 OFW (CEX) Ported Kernel and some modules from OFW 4.84 DEX Made manually without automatic tools PSN/SEN enabled Fixed layouts 272/480 from OFW 4.89 Disabled deletion of unsigned act.dat and .rif files Allowed unsigned act.dat and .rif files...
  2. P

    lv2_kernal and cobra payload

    Is there anyone still active in the forum's that understands patching the lv2_kernel and adding cobra payloads to CFWs
  3. D

    looking for CFW with no bd patch that can emulate bd

    Good day to start off i have ps3 fat 60 GB CECHC03 with a ''broken disc drive'' from a friend who wants to run (online/offline mods and backups including online. -Normal CFW wouldt let me boot homebrew etc (4.82.2REX debug) -his dad had replaced the disc drive,so I tried to remarry it and...
  4. A

    6.0 is OUT!!!

    now that 6.0 is officially out i hope we're closer to the release of 5.55 jb.. so excited right now.. some people say asap, some say october and some even say november.. whatever the date is, the sooner psn doesn't work on 5.55 or 5.56 the better for us folk waiting for a jb..
  5. A

    6.0 update

    spider-man is less than a week away from being released and there has been no news regarding the release date of 6.0 yet.. i hope it stays this way.. this'll allow us to play all the latest games that have been released for 5.55 as soon as the cfw for it is released, which i'm guessing will be...
  6. B

    Utility of a 5.50 spoofer

    Hey everyone, I have done a fair amount of research on the topic. I know that there is a 5.50 firmware spoofer out there, I think it's legit, though I am not sure. However, what I have not been able to find is information regarding the utility of such a spoofer. If this firmware spoofer is...