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Shiggitay is here... well since May, but yeah...


Hatsune Miku Super Fan
회원 | Member
May 31, 2018
Hey all... I registered for this forum back in May, but I never bothered to make an intro thread lol so here it is:

1. How did you find DarkSoftware? <<< I don't quite remember, but it's served me quite well for collecting games that run on PS4 OFW 5.05 (with HEN/Mira enabled of course).

2. What is your favorite games? <<< I love the Tomb Raider reboot series, and I'm hoping for more.

3. What is your favorite anime or cartoon, comic, hentai, drama? <<< I'm an avid anime fan, but lately nothing airing catches my attention besides Sword Art Online: Project Alicization (overall season 3 of SAO). I have too many favorites to mention here lol

4. Do have any musical interests you would like to share with us? <<< I like Jpop, Vocaloid, and anything with a good beat and/or lyrics. I can classically trained on the piano, but I'm waaaay out of practice >_> >_<

5. Where are you from? <<< All I'll say is that I live in New England, Northeast East Coast USA

6. What is your occupation? <<< Currently I work for a 7-Eleven franchise, but not for too much longer.

7. What are some of your talents or things you are proud of doing or having? <<< This might not seem like much to some, but I built into a computer server case and it was quite challenging for me to figure out how things fit.

8. What are your hobbies? <<< I like building computers, watching anime, and of course gaming a little bit.

9. What games do you enjoy playing? <<< I love music rhythm games like DDR, the Hatsune Miku Project Diva series (PSP-PS4), adventure games like Tomb Raider and Prince of Persia, any anything retro (NES on up).

...aaand that's it. Thanks guys lol.