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Forum - DKS


  1. J3rm41n3

    Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai Revival Campaign Seeks to Bring Anime, Games for the Franchise

    Considered a massively successful franchise in Japan while being relatively obscure in the West, Dragon Quest spin-off, The Adventure of Dai, is getting a modern anime adaption and three games across different platforms. Source: Micky
  2. M

    USA EUR JPN Bleach Theme - [CUSA-98763]

    Title: Bleach Theme Title-ID: CUSA98763 Size: 14MB Note: Background music included! I'm sorry that I couldn't add some pictures of the theme because I don't own a PS4 anymore, so if you are kindly then I would appreciate it if you could send some pictures per message to me. If If CUSA98761...
  3. S

    Shiggitay is here... well since May, but yeah...

    Hey all... I registered for this forum back in May, but I never bothered to make an intro thread lol so here it is: 1. How did you find DarkSoftware? <<< I don't quite remember, but it's served me quite well for collecting games that run on PS4 OFW 5.05 (with HEN/Mira enabled of course). 2...
  4. G

    Violet Evergarden Custom theme

    Hidden content
  5. m0nadpr0xy

    USA [NoPSN] Crunchyroll

    App Title: Crunchyroll App ID: EP8805-CUSA-02644 App Version: 1.00 + 1.29 Update Included Languages: English, possibly others Size: 49.5 MB MD5 Checksum: 7ec08f084c88ee9e7b7d6d9ff91c0e76 Info: https://store.playstation.com/de-de/product/EP8805-CUSA02644_00-20150410XCRUNCHY Thanks to...