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question extract ps4 fake pkg files to original files


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 2, 2018
Hi is it possible to do this method

is there any way to extract a fake pkg file before I have dumped a lot of my ps4 games to hard drive
and i got also got some fake pkg files ps4 games and dlc files is there any way to extract them to the original files.

there is also a software for ps4 to merge all the pkg files into 1 pkg file so maybe i could merge all the dlc of a ps4 game into 1 fake pkg file then if it is possible to extract it to the original files.

what i want to do is extract fake pkg files to the original files doing this with fake pkg games and fake ps4 games and fake psn games.
cos i have seen a few online like some fake psn games that are not on a ps4 discs like i am trying to find the game stranded deep ps4 fake pkg file and i have found it but it is a fake psn pkg file. cos it was not brought out on ps4 on disc i know i can install on my ps4 but what i want to do is to extract it to the original files if that can be done.

so is there any method out there like a software that will extract psn and ps4 and ps4 dlc fake pkg files to the original files.