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New PS3 Game - Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque


Assalamu Alaykum (Peace be with you)

First of all, I would like to thank @AutumnWolf (from theadmins of this website) for allowing me to promote my first commercial project here on this website.

I would like to thank aswell, my brazillian fellow, ROD Lima, for all his help with Unreal Scripting Programming. He is most know for his Resident Evil 2 Fan Remake in UDK Engine:

I would like also to thank my friends at UDK Engine Forums (https://forums.unrealengine.com/legacy-tools-unreal-engine-3-udk) for all their help and support.

As you may know, recently I had to put offline my project UDK Ultimate Engine (the custom build of UDK Engine with PS3 and Xbox360 Export Support) for copyrights reasons (EPIC asked me to do this), however, they were very kind with me and allowed me to keep using my custom version of UDK to publish my games, I even signed with them an Unreal Engine License Commercial Amendment, so now I am a Licensed Unreal Engine Developer and I am ready to pursue my dream of life!



DISCLAIMER: In this game, the player does not shoot Israeli civilians, women, children, elderly, only soldiers. Also in this game there are NO images of sexual content, illicit drugs, religious desecration, hate of speech against any group, ethnicity or religion, anti-Semitist propaganda against Jews, Nazi propaganda or boasting of any terrorist groups and / or other unlawful acts. This game only contains the virtual representation of the Palestinian Resistance Movement against the Israeli Military Occupation, which is officially recognized by the United Nations (UN). I even sent this project for Brazillian's Government Justice Department, Age Rating Sector (kinda Brazillian ESRB) for their approval and age rating. This project was approved, now I am just waiting for the Age Rating Information of my game which will be available very soon on their website (http://portal.mj.gov.br/ClassificacaoIndicativa/jsps/ConsultarJogoForm.do)

I am Brazillian, from Arab ascendance, my father is from Palestine, and something I never revealed before, and one of the biggest reasons of me creating this game, is that my father was a Fighter of the Palestine Resistance Movement, he fought against Israel Army in the Lebanese Civil War on the 70's, and from since I was a kid, I felt too much proud of my father and the Palestine People in General, because of their Strenght and Constant Resistance. So this game is kinda tribute to the Brave People of Palestine and their Resistance against Military Occupation.


Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque is a Third Person Action Game on which you play as Ahmad al-Ghazzawi, a young Palestinian Student who was unjustly tortured and jailed by Israeli Soldiers for 5 years, had all his family killed by an Israeli Airstrike and now after getting out from the prison he seeks revenge against those who wronged him, killed his family and stolen his homeland.

This game is being developed during the course of 4 years by one person (me, Nidal Nijm), in a custom version of UDK Engine (Unreal Engine 3), using the best technology to tell a compelling story through a game packed with non stop action, advanced 3D graphics and modern gameplay mechanics, however keeping the soul of old school shooters. You will play in missions accross ground, sea and sky, you have many objectives to accomplish in each mission, epic bosses battles, powerful guns, vehicles to drive, helicopters to take down, and much more. Expect a LOT of Action and Adrenaline!!!

This game also is greatly inspired by Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid, Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Insurgency Sandstorm.

I hope you enjoy this game and support me by purchasing it, Insha Allah (God's Willing). I decided to release this game as episodes (missions), each mission by a symbolic value just to cover my development costs, as everyone knows that develop a game is not an easy task, it takes a lot of time and efforts. It will be a very small value, however any copy sold of this game is very important and will trully help me. Please buy this game to support me (whenever I release it), Insha Allah (God's Willing), because I trully need your help!

I hope untill the end of this month (november) release a free demo of this game (for PC, PS3 and Xbox360), so people can enjoy and feel what my game is about, enjoy the gameplay, feel the action. I plan to make something similar to Metal Gear Solid VR Missions (If you may remember), on which I will teach the player the basis of the Gameplay, like training the player for the true battle that will come on the final game. About the first episode (mission), I hope to release it untill the end of December, beginning of January 2020.

Now I will show you some trailers of the game itself, a beta version of this game. I am already redoing everything from scratch, remaking the models, animations, and maps, raising the overall quality, polishing things here and there, to deliver a high quality product for all people enjoy.

Also you can see the new updated model for my character protagonist, and the difference between the new player model and the old one, so you all can be sure I am commited to do my best on this game. These old models were just placeholders for me develop the basic game programming framework and features.


This trailer tells the history of how the muslims re-conquered Jerusalem:


This trailer tells the history of the Game's Protagonist:


This is the promotional trailer "Join the Resistance":


This is the PC Gameplay Trailer. The PC Version supports ANY Gamepad through xbox360 controller emulator (already included):


This is the PS3 Gameplay Trailer (sorry for the video quality, I don't have a HDMI Capture Card):


This is the Xbox360 Gameplay Trailer (sorry for the video quality, I don't have a HDMI Capture Card):


Some Screenshots of the new Player Model In-Game:








Now some Behind the Scenes Trailers.

Making off "Crusader Battle Trailer":


Making off "Ahmad al-Ghazzawi":


You can follow the development of my game here:

Jazakom Allah Khayr (May God give you the best)
This is just a sneak peek of the Explosive Action and Epic Bosses Battles which awaits you on Fursan al-Aqsa.







For today I want to showcase a new map I am making for #FursanAqsaGame.

This will be a Mossad Office Headquarter, the Israeli Secret Service.

Your mission is to infiltrate on the office, and find some important documents about a new attack Israel is planning against Palestine.







Here I showcase the first person mode for some guns of my game, especially the pistols, greatly inspired by the classic Goldeneye 007.


My game is a Third Person Shooter, however, listening to the desire and feedback of many players who played my game`s first demo, I added the possibility to change between first person and third person view at any time in the game, pleasing both worlds (FPS fans and TPS fans).

But for the sake of keeping this reference to Goldeneye 007, I decided to only add hands models to pistols (otherwise they will not look good), as for the rifles, they dont have first person arms. It`s a game design decision.

Also I manually made the reload and equip/holster weapons animation to remember as much as I can Goldeneye 007.

I hope you enjoy, and very soon I will release a new demo for my game, the "Infiltration Demo". More details soon.








Fursan al-Aqsa Announcement Trailer - All the Power to the People of Palestine


Watch the video: http://tiny.cc/om0zsz

Soundtrack by Rodrigo KTarse (https://www.youtube.com/user/rodrigo17290) the Great Insurgent Rapper of Brazil's Guetos!

Updated Demo

Download PC Version: http://tiny.cc/ym0zsz
Download PS3 Version: http://tiny.cc/zm0zsz
Download Xbox360 Version: http://tiny.cc/1n0zsz

This Updated Demo of Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque will allow players to have a taste of the Campaign Mode, which has a gameplay very similar to (and inspired by) the Classic Shooter Goldeneye 007, with many mission objectives to complete on each "mission", such as destroying security cameras, sabotaging some Israeli equipment, finding documents that reveal more details about the game’s plot, planting bombs, invading Israeli bases, finding and murdering a specific enemy, rescuing Palestinian civilians, hijacking vehicles, taking down planes.

Adding to this, there is a Multiplayer Map, Battle of Negev Desert, so you all can revive the Golden Days of Split Screen Multiplayer Games.

On consoles (PS3 and Xbox360), the multiplayer mode works outside the box, as for PC, you need to have 2 Xbox360 Gamepads for PC. However, it works aswell with ANY PC Gamepad through the Xbox360 Controller Emulator, which is already included with PC Version.

After you install the PC Version, just go to C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Fursan al-Aqsa Press Beta\Support\Xbox360ControllerEmulator.zip

All the intructions are there.

The full version of this game will be released in January 2021, Insha Allah (God's Willing)

I hope you all enjoy this updated demo, as there is too much love, dedication and many sleepless nights spent on this project.

Assalamu Alaykum, may the Peace be upon You!

Nidal Nijm.

Note: There is a small bug in the game (which does not interfere with gameplay), it is a bug in the version of Unreal Engine 3 that I am using. Sometimes, when the player leans against some walls and tries to shoot, the projectile of the weapon is not launched. To solve this, just tap in any direction (W, A, S, D / analog directional on consoles) and shoot again. This is because the starting point of the projectile launch in Unreal Engine 3 is calculated in relation to the position of the player's camera, and sometimes the camera is "pressed" on some walls when the player is too close, losing the starting point of calculation for launching the projectile.
Fursan al-Aqsa Infiltration - PC 64bit Patch


This is just the 64bit version of Fursan al-Aqsa Game Executable, which I am providing because some Windows 10 users are experiencing some crashes while running the game, as Win10 has some compatibility problems with old 32bit applications.To "install" this patch, simply copy the zip file to:

C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Fursan al-Aqsa Infiltration\Binaries\

Extract the zip file there, then run the game direcly:

C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\My Games\Fursan al-Aqsa Infiltration\Binaries\Win64\FursanAqsaGame.exe

Allah Akbar! All the praise be to Allah! My game will be showcased on @IndieCade Festival, GameSlam Opening Event! This is a dream coming true!
Fursan al-Aqsa Pseudo Raytracing on GTS360M, PS3 and Xbox360!

PC: http://tiny.cc/ym0zsz
PS3: http://tiny.cc/zm0zsz
Xbox360: http://tiny.cc/1n0zsz


Today I want to showcase a Pseudo #Raytracing #Shader I made for #FursanAqsaGame and it runs smoothly on #GTS360M/#PS3/#Xbox360! I updated the Demo with this shader and a better balanced difficulty.

This is NOT a real raytracing effect, however, the final results are good enough, as I showcase below, and most importantly, it does not reduce performance, as it is just a material setup. I updated the Demo with this new shader and a better balanced difficulty.

This new shader basically uses the Unreal Engine 3 Material Function called Reflection Vector and a metallic reflection texture (an image file), everything linked to the Specular Map Input and Multiplied by the Diffuse Input of Unreal Engine 3 Material editor, as you can see here:


Here follows some screenshots








Cheers and until next update!
Look at this bad boy. Whenever he gets mad, he simply blows things up!




This is another toy for my collection :D

This is the IWI TAR-21 Submachine Gun with all it's glory and gore!

#FursanAqsaGame #indiegame #indiedev #UE3 #UE4 #UnrealEngine #gamedesign #3dAnimation #3dmodeling #3dsmax #maya #ModernWarfare #CallOfDuty #CallOfJihad #FreePalestine




We never give up! We never bow to our enemies!

We're gonna resist with bullets until our last breath!

Here follows some of the arsenal you will have on #FursanAqsaGame for trucidating Zionists without mercy!

#indiegame #UE3 #UnrealEngine #indiedev #FreePalestine #Zionism







Hello folks.

Here follows some more weapons I made for my game:















Hello friends! Some great news here!


Please, vote for Fursan al-Aqsa: https://www.indiedb.com/games/fursan-al-aqsa-knights-of-al-aqsa-mosque

Today began the IndieDB Best Indie Game of 2020 Competition. Last year my game was selected among the top 100 Indie Games of 2019. Now I need your help to make my game be among the Top 10 of 2020, and below I explain why.

A great Indie Games Publisher showed too much interest on my game, and I am now working on an updated and revamped build of my game to send them, and If they approve, and everything goes well, be sure my game will be a worlwide success, Insha Allah (God's Willing)!

I am sure that whenever any publisher sees that players are loving my game, that players selected my game as one of the best from 2020, this will encourage ANY publisher to get my game, and releasing my game through a Publisher will mean it will reach a MUCH BIGGER audience (than releasing myself), and this means you will be able to play game on PS4, Xbox One and maybe even on PS5 and Xbox Series X! So EVERYONE wins.

Another imporant news, is that my father (the greatest inspiration for my game), decided to help me in this project (after he has seen the HUGE sucess my game is making arround the web. He is helping by providing important informations about Palestinian Guerrilla and the Israel x Palestine Conflict in general, Classic Palestinian Nasheeds (musics), helping me with Arabic Localization, he made some slight changes on the game narrative (to make it more realistic and historical accurate), as he lived this conflict (he fought for the freedom of Palestine). Now the game has a more Palestinian Revolution Feeling, more Nationalist and less Religious, and the game on its actual state is much more polished, balanced and better to play than the 2 previous demos I released.

I learned from my father to don't wait things come to me, I must make things happen. So I submitted my game to as many indie games festivals I could, and one of these festivals invited me to a business meeting with some publishers, and this publisher was there.

They told me my game is exactly the kind of game they are looking for, a lot of bullets, blood and explosions :D :D :D. They asked me to send them a pitching document with all informations about my game, also they sent me many forms to fill (like my budget, my post launch plan,...) and off course a playable build of my game. So I asked them sometime to polish my game better and send them an almost finished version of the game (the more complete the game more chances for them accepting it). And now I am working like crazy to finish this build of my game.

Here follows some new updates on the game itself:













Some new updates:

1- Fursan Aqsa Training Mission Teaser

This is a small teaser of the First Mission of Fursan al-Aqsa Campaign Mode. This is a Tutorial Mission which tells the player the basic commands of the game, including the new addition: Driveable Vehicles:

2- This is the IDF Hummer armed with a MK19 Grenade Launcher, which the player will drive on some missions:


3- Finally my game's demo reached 1000 downloads today on @IndieDB. I know for some people this number may seem nothing, but for me, for all the hardships I am suffering on this project, be the technical challenges and the censoring I did suffer in many places, this is a MILESTONE:
Thank you for electing Fursan al-Aqsa among the Top 100 Games of 2020


I would like to thank you all for your AWESOME support, my dear friends. Fursan al-Aqsa made into the Top 100 Indie Games of 2020. Now I need your help to make it into the Top 10 Indie Games of 2020, as this will be very important for me whenever talking to publishers (I am sure this will encourage them to publish my game).

Please vote again: https://www.indiedb.com/games/fursan-al-aqsa-knights-of-al-aqsa-mosque

And here follows a new update, Fursan al-Aqsa - Camp Ariel Sharon Teaser:


This is a small teaser of the Second Mission of Fursan al-Aqsa Campaign Mode. This is an Israeli Training Base located on the Negev Desert Region.

#FursanAqsaGame #UE3 #UE4 #UnrealEngine #gamedev #indiegame #indie #3dsMax #MAYA #Autodesk #PalestineFree #Intifada
Fursan al-Aqsa - Mossad Office Map Update

Hello friends! Here follows some Screenshots of Mossad Office, the 3rd Campaign Mission of #FursanAqsaGame, with better lighting, new shaders, textures and Mission Objectives.

#UE3 #UE4 #UnrealEngine #gamedev #indiegame #indie #3dsMax #MAYA #Autodesk #Raytracing #FreePalestine










Fursan al-Aqsa - Mossad Office Teaser

This is a small teaser for the Third Mission of Fursan al-Aqsa Campaign Mode. This is a Mossad Office located in Telaviv. Your mission is to infiltrate in this Office and find some important document about a big attack Israel is preparing against the Old City of Jerusalem. This mission is one of the best missions of the game, because the disguise mechanics (in the best Hitman Style). I hope you enjoy.


#FursanAqsaGame #UE3 #UE4 #UnrealEngine #gamedev #indiegame #indie #3dsMax #MAYA #Autodesk #PalestineFree #Intifada