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New PS3 Game - Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque


Assalamu Alaykum (Peace be with you)

First of all, I would like to thank @AutumnWolf (from theadmins of this website) for allowing me to promote my first commercial project here on this website.

I would like to thank aswell, my brazillian fellow, ROD Lima, for all his help with Unreal Scripting Programming. He is most know for his Resident Evil 2 Fan Remake in UDK Engine:

I would like also to thank my friends at UDK Engine Forums (https://forums.unrealengine.com/legacy-tools-unreal-engine-3-udk) for all their help and support.

As you may know, recently I had to put offline my project UDK Ultimate Engine (the custom build of UDK Engine with PS3 and Xbox360 Export Support) for copyrights reasons (EPIC asked me to do this), however, they were very kind with me and allowed me to keep using my custom version of UDK to publish my games, I even signed with them an Unreal Engine License Commercial Amendment, so now I am a Licensed Unreal Engine Developer and I am ready to pursue my dream of life!



DISCLAIMER: In this game, the player does not shoot Israeli civilians, women, children, elderly, only soldiers. Also in this game there are NO images of sexual content, illicit drugs, religious desecration, hate of speech against any group, ethnicity or religion, anti-Semitist propaganda against Jews, Nazi propaganda or boasting of any terrorist groups and / or other unlawful acts. This game only contains the virtual representation of the Palestinian Resistance Movement against the Israeli Military Occupation, which is officially recognized by the United Nations (UN). I even sent this project for Brazillian's Government Justice Department, Age Rating Sector (kinda Brazillian ESRB) for their approval and age rating. This project was approved, now I am just waiting for the Age Rating Information of my game which will be available very soon on their website (http://portal.mj.gov.br/ClassificacaoIndicativa/jsps/ConsultarJogoForm.do)

I am Brazillian, from Arab ascendance, my father is from Palestine, and something I never revealed before, and one of the biggest reasons of me creating this game, is that my father was a Fighter of the Palestine Resistance Movement, he fought against Israel Army in the Lebanese Civil War on the 70's, and from since I was a kid, I felt too much proud of my father and the Palestine People in General, because of their Strenght and Constant Resistance. So this game is kinda tribute to the Brave People of Palestine and their Resistance against Military Occupation.


Fursan al-Aqsa - Knights of al-Aqsa Mosque is a Third Person Action Game on which you play as Ahmad al-Ghazzawi, a young Palestinian Student who was unjustly tortured and jailed by Israeli Soldiers for 5 years, had all his family killed by an Israeli Airstrike and now after getting out from the prison he seeks revenge against those who wronged him, killed his family and stolen his homeland.

This game is being developed during the course of 4 years by one person (me, Nidal Nijm), in a custom version of UDK Engine (Unreal Engine 3), using the best technology to tell a compelling story through a game packed with non stop action, advanced 3D graphics and modern gameplay mechanics, however keeping the soul of old school shooters. You will play in missions accross ground, sea and sky, you have many objectives to accomplish in each mission, epic bosses battles, powerful guns, vehicles to drive, helicopters to take down, and much more. Expect a LOT of Action and Adrenaline!!!

This game also is greatly inspired by Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid, Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Insurgency Sandstorm.

I hope you enjoy this game and support me by purchasing it, Insha Allah (God's Willing). I decided to release this game as episodes (missions), each mission by a symbolic value just to cover my development costs, as everyone knows that develop a game is not an easy task, it takes a lot of time and efforts. It will be a very small value, however any copy sold of this game is very important and will trully help me. Please buy this game to support me (whenever I release it), Insha Allah (God's Willing), because I trully need your help!

I hope untill the end of this month (november) release a free demo of this game (for PC, PS3 and Xbox360), so people can enjoy and feel what my game is about, enjoy the gameplay, feel the action. I plan to make something similar to Metal Gear Solid VR Missions (If you may remember), on which I will teach the player the basis of the Gameplay, like training the player for the true battle that will come on the final game. About the first episode (mission), I hope to release it untill the end of December, beginning of January 2020.

Now I will show you some trailers of the game itself, a beta version of this game. I am already redoing everything from scratch, remaking the models, animations, and maps, raising the overall quality, polishing things here and there, to deliver a high quality product for all people enjoy.

Also you can see the new updated model for my character protagonist, and the difference between the new player model and the old one, so you all can be sure I am commited to do my best on this game. These old models were just placeholders for me develop the basic game programming framework and features.


This trailer tells the history of how the muslims re-conquered Jerusalem:


This trailer tells the history of the Game's Protagonist:


This is the promotional trailer "Join the Resistance":


This is the PC Gameplay Trailer. The PC Version supports ANY Gamepad through xbox360 controller emulator (already included):


This is the PS3 Gameplay Trailer (sorry for the video quality, I don't have a HDMI Capture Card):


This is the Xbox360 Gameplay Trailer (sorry for the video quality, I don't have a HDMI Capture Card):


Some Screenshots of the new Player Model In-Game:








Now some Behind the Scenes Trailers.

Making off "Crusader Battle Trailer":


Making off "Ahmad al-Ghazzawi":


You can follow the development of my game here:

Jazakom Allah Khayr (May God give you the best)
How's the demo progress going , Much longer of wait until release..?
How's the demo progress going , Much longer of wait until release..?
Hello my friend.

Thanks for the interest on my game. No worries, I am working hard on this project, however I just update the forum threads here and elsewhere (more than 80 forums) whenever there is something worth showing off (i generally wait until complete some new updates and new features to showcase).

At the right moment I am working on redoing ALL the enemies AI and animations. I am working from since last week, and I plan until this weekend finish this step then showcase here.

I can't estipulate the right time to release the demo, what I can say is that soon.

Making a game alone is hard, making it alone whenever you have to balance between real life job and family (wife and little daughter) is even harder.

But no worries guys, I will never give up this game. I just recently began to promote this game (after I came up with something worth showing off), however, I am working on this game, underground, from since 2017. So just some more time and everyone will be able to enjoy it.

Some good news is that instead of releasing just a free demo, I will release Episode 0 for free download, pay if you like it (kinda shareware).

I will do this because there is a good ammount of content done for my game, much more than just a demo. I will include also many modes for multiplayer so people can enjoy it.

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Fursan al-Aqsa - Enemies AI Update



This video shows the updated enemies AI in action, alongside the preview of a very fun new game mode: "Blow Them Up"

Let's frag!

In the next post I will reveal the tech detail of this new AI system I created using Kismet, the Visual Programming Language of Unreal Engine 3.

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#FursanAlaqsaGame meets @MortalKombat!

Can you guess what I am planning next to my game?


#Blood #KnifeKills #FinishHim #FlawlessVictory #Fatality

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Hello guys! Just want to show off here something cool I created. A cool HeadShots Counter for the Special Ops Mode.

The basic tech behind it is very simple.

On the UnrealScript Class that control the enemy behaviour, I created a boolean variable called HeadShot. Then on the TakeDamage Event of the enemy UnrealScript Class I created a small function to detect which bone of the skeleton was hit by the weapon projectile (in case Head and Neck Bones).

So whenever the weapon projectile hits the Head or Neck Bones, the boolean variable HeadShot is set to true (it begins the code as false).

And then on Kismet there is a node which can read object properties (variables). So I simply added this node to read the variable HeadShot value, and if its true, I made increment in 1 another variable (kismet variable) which is the HeadShot Counter. So that means, each time the player shoots the head of the enemy. the HeadShot Counter will increment in one, so the player performs 3 headhsots on the enemy, the HeadShotCounter will be 3.

Next step is add another counter to count total number of enemies on map. It begins by counting all enemies an add them to an array, and then add an event (Enemy Death), and each time this even occurs, one enemy will be removed fromt the array (ObjectList). So whenever this array becomes empty, that means we killed all enemyes. And after killing all the enemies, then we go there and check for the value of HeadShotsCounter variable. If I want the player to perform at least 10 HeadShots, I need to check if this variable is >= (bigger or equal) than 10. If yes, then the mission is accomplished. If it is < (less) than 10, then mission failed.

It's that simple!



Fursan al-Aqsa Episode 0 Weapons

Sharpen your Knife, lock and load your Gun, prepare yourself for the Battle. Holy War begins in March 2020.

Select your path towards Victory or Martyrdom, because the Houris (Maidens of Paradise) are waiting you.

Video: http://tiny.cc/mrnbkz

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Hello guys.

I know there are almost two weeks without any updates, but be sure I am working, and VERY HARD to finish and release the first episode untill the end of this month.

However, because I have published about my game on almost 100 sites, which I need to keep updated, I only publish whenever I have some significant updates.

But here on twitter (https://twitter.com/UdkUltimate) and also on IndieDB (https://www.indiedb.com/games/fursan-al-aqsa-knights-of-al-aqsa-mosque) I always post at least a new screenshot of some feature I am developing/improving.

From since my last update about the Weapons, I have done basically two things.

I created a new custom AI Class especially for knife kills game mode. Now you can approach the enemy from behind without being spotted, however, if you touch the enemy, or stay a long time behind him, he will realize it and shoot at you. This was done mixing Kismet (the Blueprints of UE3) with UnrealScript. I even created a custom field of view to the enemy using a trigger volume.





Also, I am remaking the Knife Kills System, with updated character animations and a brand new camera animation, on the best Mortal Kombat X style. It even has the X-Ray effect!


Cheers and until next update!
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I was thinking on releasing those test maps (with blue/white checkboard) from since last week, for people test the game, however, I think that these don't reflect the final game quality and may even harm this project.

As I said before, I will ask a very small value (something like U$ 2.00) for each episode, because I am in strong need to earn some profit (my financial conditions are very bad at the moment). So it's for that reason that I prefeer release each episode on it's complete state, with fully textured maps, animations, mission objectives, and so on, for making this game worth the price. I know that even for a small price like this, people want a complete product, a fully working game, not just a "developer" bugged version of the game.

I hope you all understand the reason why I delayed a while the release of this game.

Thanks guys for all this support and interest on my game.
Hello guys,

Some new updates here, I hope you all enjoy.

Fursan al-Aqsa Episode 1 Coming in May 10th 2020!


Fursan al-Aqsa - Blades of Revenge Trailer

You, Brave Hero!

Get your knife and seek your revenge... The blood of the oppressed is calling you...

Join the Resistance!

Watch the trailer:

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Finaly accomplished another task of the roadmap towards the release of #FursanAlaqsaGame. I did remake the game's menu, and I am very proud of the results. This was done in Scaleform (Adobe Flash CS4) and 3dsmax, the code behind it is ActionScript (Flash) and Unreal Script (UE3). I hope you like it.

Before going to the last step of my dev workflow (finishing the campaign maps), I just wanted to assure that everything which I have done until now, especially the latest game updates, work flawlessly on consoles (Xbox360 and PS3). Here you can see the Weapons Showcase Testmap running flawlessly and smoothly on my RGH Xbox360.

* Sorry for the video quality, as I am using an Easy Crap lol!


Fursan al-Aqsa Dev Blog #10 - Updated UI - Scaleform Showcase


Hello there! New update here.


On this video I show off the finished UI (User Interface) of Fursan al-Aqsa, including a basic options menu, pause menu, and a very beautifull "Game Over" screen.

The UI Design was created in 3dsmax + Photoshop + Scaleform (Flash CS4).

The programming was done in Action Script 2.0 + Unreal Script.

I always try to make things as simple as possible. I always like to begin over a working framework instead of doing from scratch.

In the case of my game's UI, I opted to use the default UDK Engine Scaleform (Flash) UI, which came and works outside the box, however, I did customize it a lot, to give my own artistic touch.

The Scaleform framework is a very advanced UI solution by Autodesk, and it was used on many blockbuster games like Grand Theft Auto V and Borderlands 3


GTA V Options menu (done with Scaleform)


Bordelands 3 Complete HUD (done with Scaleform)

About the Options Menu, because my game runs smoothly even on the most modest of PC's (ignore the video lag, it's because bandicam capture software uses a lot of my PC's CPU and Memory), I decided to don't add options to reduce the game's graphical quality (model detail and texture size). I made it on the highest quality my PC can handle (also PS3/XBOX360). So the game run using the full quality of the assets (models and textures).

About Video Resolution, as I wanted a standard framework between PC and Consoles, I decided to add only 2 Resolutions Options, which are 720p (1280x720) and 1080p (1920x1080), as both resolutions are supported on PS3 and Xbox360. Anyway, is very easy to manually change the resolution to any value by just editing the ini files (I will include a README), however, the minimum resolution for the game is 720p and all my UI Assets are in 1080p, so that means, if you run the game in 4K, in example, the UI may look blury, and on a resolution lower than 720p, the UI will be stretched. Sorry for this, but UDK/UE3 don't support responsive UI Layout. I think UE4 supports because you can create UI in HTML5.

About Audio Options, I was not able to add a volume slider control (it was going to be VERY HARD and troublesome), however, I have done something more simple, which works and has a purpose. Many people who don't understand Arabic, want to have an option to turn off the game's nasheeds (arabic musics), letting only the sound effects (many claimed that this way the game would look more realistic). So I added this option, a simple button to turn off and on the game's music, letting only the SFX playing. I have done a lot of testing, and even with music on, you will be able to hear all Sound Effects arround you, as I setup the music volume on a very low level, enough for those who want enjoy listening the music, without making it overcome the Sound Effects volume.

About Control Configuration, as my game's campaign mode will have many scripted sequences with specific keys assigned, I decided to don't allow changing the control's scheme (anyway, you can also manually change it only on PC by editting the ini files).

Whenever you pause the game, you will see the control's scheme. Also, something very cool, is that my game is 100% compatible with Xbox360 Controller (I think even XboxOne because it uses the XInput protocol). Just plug and play. Also, you can use ANY Gamepad (I am using Nykko Airflo) through a Xbox360 Controller Emulator (I will include it with my game). And the pause menu detects what input you are using to show you the controller configuration scheme. If you are playing on PC with a Keyboard and Mouse, you will see PC Keyboard Controller Scheme. If you are playing on PC with a Xbox360 Controller, it will show you the Xbox360 Controller Scheme. And if you are playing on Consoles (PS3 or Xbox360), it will show the console's controller scheme (Playstation 3 Controller and Xbox360 Controller).

I hope you all enjoy it (as I am very happy with the results).

Cheers and until next update!
Now I am working on a new map for my game, based on Camp Filon, an Israeli Military Base located on the Golan Heights on the Syrian Border. This is not a replication of the real place, because I am using many Marketplaces Assets (models and textures purchased from sites like Turbosquid, Unity Assets Store, Unreal Engine Marketplace, and so on) to build this map. However, I am trying my best to make these maps have at least a similarity with the real locations.

This mission will be on the best Metal Gear style, you need to invade the enemy base at night, eliminate them without being spotted. I am also doing uniform (cloth) variations for the game's protagonist, Ahmad al-Ghazzawi, just to fit the mission. For this mission, the player will be wearing a black uniform to be like a shadow on the darkness, to be a trully nightmare for his enemies. It's just a comestic thing, but I think it adds that extra degree of polishment to my game (soon I will showcase).



