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NAS/Raid Server With RPI for PS4 Games


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Apr 4, 2019
I had an idea, where you put your games on a NAS server. You could put all your games on hard drives using APP2USB then move it to a homemade NAS server using A Raspberry Pi. I just need to find a way to make the ps4 read from a network location. Is this possible? If so, how would I do it?


Yes, I'm a girl...
Retired staff
Jul 10, 2018
Mission impossible and I mean really impossible at this point.

You cannot mount a network share on the PS4 and you cannot make it work as a drive where the games are going to be loaded from. The only remotely close thing is the remote PKG installer that loads PKGs from a device via network instead of a connected USB HDD (games are still installed to the PS4 HDD). It however isn't what you want.

The other thing is... Your Raspberry Pi is slow as hell. Old USB 2.0 interfaces on USB 2.0 lanes that are shared between all USB ports, the Ethernet NIC and some other interfaces. Giving you just max. 480 Mbps which in reality is around 20 to 30 MB/s... Which is more than a few times slower than using USB 3.0 HDD via USB on the PS4 directly. It's a I/O disaster.


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Apr 4, 2019
Mission impossible and I mean really impossible at this point.

You cannot mount a network share on the PS4 and you cannot make it work as a drive where the games are going to be loaded from. The only remotely close thing is the remote PKG installer that loads PKGs from a device via network instead of a connected USB HDD (games are still installed to the PS4 HDD). It however isn't what you want.

The other thing is... Your Raspberry Pi is slow as hell. Old USB 2.0 interfaces on USB 2.0 lanes that are shared between all USB ports, the Ethernet NIC and some other interfaces. Giving you just max. 480 Mbps which in reality is around 20 to 30 MB/s... Which is more than a few times slower than using USB 3.0 HDD via USB on the PS4 directly. It's a I/O disaster.
okay, thank you for the help. I have another question. I currently, use a Hard Drive to USB converter with a 500gb hard drives where I put all my Fpkgs and Backups. I have a bunch of 500gb hard drives is it possible to get an adapter of some sort that I can add multiple hard drives to the ps4? I don't want to get multiple adapters and put it into a USB Hub because I think it is kind of clunky putting just a stack hard drives resting on my ps4 in my living room. BTW I know I could just get a 3tb external hard drive but they quite expensive. I also think there's no point seen as I have more than 3tb of hard drive space if I add all my spare 500gb hard drives.


Yes, I'm a girl...
Retired staff
Jul 10, 2018
A SATA hard drive docking station with USB 3.0 is probably what you are looking for. It is however not 100% safe to say that the PS4 will properly detect all HDDs at once and show you all content of multiple drives at once. I mean it did worked once for me. I had a HDD and a USB thumb drive connected and the packager installer showed a list with PKGs from both devices.

So you are kinda looking for something like this:
2 Bay: Amazon product ASIN B00N1KXE9K4 Bay: Amazon product ASIN B07H11KXCL