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Forum - DKS


  1. 윤희지

    Fortnite v2.02 (Time Machine) successfully logged in to the Era server!

    Hiya 회원!, We would like to let know you that someone has been working on Fortnite for PS4, (EraProject) which is made for Fortnite so that is now possible to play battle royale online with the Era server. https://x.com/Cyberpt1000/status/1743786625723773104...
  2. E

    NAS/Raid Server With RPI for PS4 Games

    I had an idea, where you put your games on a NAS server. You could put all your games on hard drives using APP2USB then move it to a homemade NAS server using A Raspberry Pi. I just need to find a way to make the ps4 read from a network location. Is this possible? If so, how would I do it? Thanks