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Forum - DKS


  1. V

    PSVR 6.72 Update

    Finally updated to 6.72 from 5.05. PSVR says it needs to update. How safe/secure is it to update? I'm running Mira(unofficial) as standard Mira doesn't work on my PS4. Suggestions so I don't turn my psvr or ps4 into a paper weight?
  2. R

    Question about psvr

    hello guys i recently gave my psvr to a friend who is on ps4 6.0 and now when he gave it back to me every time i try to start it it asks for an update can someone tell me if its a good idea to update or is there some way to remove the update i dont want to lose jb 5.05 on my ps4 but i stil want...
  3. M

    PSVR Question

    Probably a stupid question but I have a PSVR Unit which I use with a jailbroken PS4 and .PKGs on 5.05. It's an older version 1 headset. I was wondering if I connected it to a unmodded PS4 to play my PSN VR games would the VR unit update and make it unable to play games on the modded PS4? Thanks...
  4. S

    Tutorial How to use PSVR with HEN

    Just a Quick TUT incase people were having trouble or getting errors when enabling HEN nd attempting VR 1. Turn on or Restart PS4 if its already on 2. After signing in Turn on PSVR headset 3. Go to Settings > Devices > Playstation VR 4. Click on: How to put on your headset (It should be...