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Forum - DKS


  1. N

    PS2 & PS1 Game freeze after conversion to FPKG PS4 6.72

    Hi. I could not find these games on dark software website, so I tried to convert them by my self and I failed because they keep freezing on the loading screen PS2 game: Crash twinsanity PS1 game: vigilante 8 Any advice & tips are welcome :)
  2. N

    Enable Multitap for ps2 pkgs

    Hello Guys, I am trying to create a fpkg for ps4 5.05 for PS2 game Smackdown here comes the pain with multitap enabled so that I can play TLC matches with my friends just like the old days, I have tried to create .pkg file from the ps2 game iso using ps4 ps2 classics gui and have tried setting...
  3. Psykzhack

    Super Mario 64 PS4

    Game: Super Mario 64 Title-ID: CUSM-00001 Region: US Firmware: 6.72 - 5.05 sm64-port: fgsfdsfgs Release: PsHack Size: 33.6MB Password: Darksoftware Download link: Hidden content Hidden content
  4. RexXxy

    Freedvdboot exploit!

    An interesting new DVD exploit for PS2! Freedvdboot *currently requires DVD firmware 3.10U or 3.10E "Don't bother trying 3.10 on a different firmware, it won't work..." https://github.com/CTurt/FreeDVDBoot Let's you run homebrew/backups straight from burned DVD. No console hardware...
  5. D

    NPS browser ps4,3,2,1 and psp games and themes straight from server

    Here is a collection of playstation content from nopaystationstore, you can check it out, but i prefer a offline version cause spreadsheets does not funtion that good so here is a link to that.NoPayStation Database v2.5.zip and the official webpage is here:
  6. R

    Any Missing PS2 Games?

    From what i can tell, every PS2 game ever made (the good and decent ones anyway) that works on PS4 via emulator, has been posted. Is there any game you think is missing? If there is, post the name of it on this thread and i'll see if it works on PS4. If it does, i'll create a thread for it.
  7. D

    Ps4 payloads? ps2 emu?

    Could someone briefly explain to me how payloads were created? Was trying to run ps2 homebrew the other day and was greeted with a nice (access violation) message :/ Could there possibly be a way around this?
  8. S

    Return to Castle Wolfenstein PS2 FPKG

    Hi everyone, So i tried to get my favorite PS2 game onto my PS4 using the fake pkg method. The game runs but there are some glitches making it unplayable - enemies become invisible - doors and other hidden room walls disappear - rendering fails when you look trough a door (infinite mirror...
  9. M


    Game Title : SNES STATION Title ID : CUSA00000 File Size : 42.62 MB (Small) | 4.06 GB (Large) MD5 Checksum: Not sure where to post this, it's not quite a normal PS2 PKG, and it's also not quite a normal PS4 PKG. The mods can move it if they want. Thanks to avfcth0mas for uploading the full...
  10. B

    How to convert PS2 games to PS4

    Hey everybody, I would first like to apologize if I am posting this in the wrong area. Please move or remove it if that is the case. I have seen or heard of ways to take your Playstation to us owes and make them compatible with a PS4 running 5.0 5. However, most of these tutorials or either...