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Forum - DKS


  1. Zaiakursed

    Resolved Alert Preferences

    Hi, I just want to say this little issue in Account Settings: Alert Preferences Whenever I change anything in there, It can't save because of the pop-up that will contain below: PLEASE CORRECT THE FOLLOWING ERRORS: The field 'sv_alerts_page_skips_mark_read' was not recognised. The field...
  2. Eighties

    Help Needed with Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTAV) Prologue Bug

    Hi, I'm hoping someone here can help me with this… I downloaded a FPKG of GTA V for my PS4 Pro running FW 5.05 It had 3 package files: 1.EP1004-CUSA00411_00-GTAVDIGITALDOWNL-A0100-V0105.pkg for the base game. 2.EP1004-CUSA00411_00-GTAVDIGITALDOWNL-A0127-V0100.pkg for Update 1.27...
  3. M

    PSA: Don't rebuild your database

    I rebuilt my database earlier to try and recover a corrupted Persona 5 save. It **** up the database and made all of the fakepkg games disappear completely from the library along with the "purchased" section. I found a way to unfuck it, but it takes SEVERAL hours. Use the FTP payload on your...