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Forum - DKS

Where to buy PS4 with FW 5.05


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 15, 2018
Hi, my question is very simple but when we look better very complex, i am from Europe, that means, on ebay great deals above $250 for fat or whatever cant be shipped to me :( anyway, not popular country... sad... in my country have local website for selling things like ebay but its rare to find console without new update, only find white one of the first console versions.... Where to find PS4 fw 5.05 for $200-250. Not like to be destroyed, just normal. :)


Staff member
Forum Admin
Mar 10, 2018
Seoul, South korea
About PS4 Firmware 5.05
PS4 Firmware 5.05 was released on 2018/01/18 (January 18th, 2018). Any bundle released before that date will have a firmware below 5.05. Bundles released shortly after that date might also have the right firmware, but your mileage might vary.

Some advice when shopping for a PS4:
  1. It’s easier to ensure you have the right firmware version if you get the device new and sealed, not “used”
  2. If you get a “used” console, be careful: most sellers update the console to the latest firmware before selling it. Ask them to confirm the firmware version before buying anything. This is true both online and in brick&mortar stores.
  3. On Amazon and eBay, some sellers sell a different product than what the description says. I have seen some sellers offering the Star Wars bundle instead of the Killzone Shadow Fall bundle, for example. Be careful here, as always, ask the sellers for details if possible. Similarly, some sellers might sell a console + the game as a “bundle” without actually selling “the” bundle as it was originally released. If this happens to you, see point 4 below.
  4. Amazon have a great return policy. Use it if the PS4 is not the one you expected!
Buying a PS4 new, with a low firmware
The ideal way to get yourself an “old” PS4 firmware is to buy one of the old bundles, and to get it new.

On eBay, you can look for PS4 5.05. Make sure to get a “sealed” unit or ask the seller for confirmation of the firmware. On Amazon, searching for PS4 bundle will get you started.

Specific bundles below, keep in mind the list is not exhaustive. Let me insist that you need to do your homework: contact the sellers to confirm as much information as possible before buying, make sure you understand their return policy, etc. There is no guarantee that the links below will consistently ensure a lower firmware. Again, leverage the return policy if you’re not getting what you want.

Alternatively, buying online might not be the best option for you: you might have better luck going to your local “used and new” shop, and actually try the console to verify its firmware. Most local shops will let you check the firmware version if you explain your situation. Remember they just want to sell stuff, not judge you on why you want to buy a lower firmware console. “I’m a tinkerer and need a console on firmware 5.05 or below in order to install Linux, I’m not interested in a more recent firmware” usually gets the point across.

Note: the Amazon links below are affiliate links. You don’t pay anything extra but we get a small commission if you purchase through our links.


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 15, 2018
Thanks, anyway today i got in my country for about $285...
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