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Forum - DKS

What is after recovery install ???


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Aug 15, 2020
I am on 6.72 and having some trouble with my PS4. From time to time i get a message, that my systemsoftware is not ok and i should update to the latest version.
To prevent those messages, i would like to do an 6.72 recovery update !!!! But what will happen with my games and saves and etc ?
Will after the installation all my content still be there and useable ?????
Thanks for your answers


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Aug 24, 2020
You need to take a backup on a USB and when you install the recovery update it will rebuild the database and your games will likely vanish, this is when you need to restore the backup and your games and things will be back fine :)


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Aug 15, 2020
I will do it, like you said.
Thank you very much !!!


회원 | Member
Feb 26, 2020
It's called app.db and you need to get it through ftp. This is what tells your PS4 what games you're supposed to have. So you rebuild the database and all your games will disappear but then reinstall the app.db and they come back exactly like you had them. The location is /system_data/priv/mms and you just copy it to your computer, and copy it back to the same location if you need to restore it. You should back it up often I do it every time I add or delete a game because if you wait months and changes games then it won't be up to date if you have to restore it. I just had to use it last night because my PS4 on 7.55 was acting up so it is important. Any other questions feel free to ask.

Your saves will not be affected when you rebuild database.
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Staff member
Forum Admin
Jan 11, 2019
It's called app.db and you need to get it through ftp. This is what tells your PS4 what games you're supposed to have. So you rebuild the database and all your games will disappear but then reinstall the app.db and they come back exactly like you had them. The location is /system_data/priv/mms and you just copy it to your computer, and copy it back to the same location if you need to restore it. You should back it up often I do it every time I add or delete a game because if you wait months and changes games then it won't be up to date if you have to restore it. I just had to use it last night because my PS4 on 7.55 was acting up so it is important. Any other questions feel free to ask.

Your saves will not be affected when you rebuild database.
thanks for your answer. well said


회원 | Member
Feb 26, 2020
thanks for your answer. well said

Thanks yeah it's very important but yet it's not something anyone is really told in the PS4 scene. Like in Switch everyone hammers the fact that you should make a backup this is sorta the same. However when you rebuild database in safe mode you aren't deleting the games at all but FPKGs no longer show up and while there's a python script that you can use with FTP to get them to come back then you lose the ability to delete games the delete button disappears. So not only is backing up your app.db easier you retain the ability to delete games and like in my case I have all of my games in folders that I made if you use the python script those are all gone but by backing up and restoring app.db they are restorted to the exact folders they were in before. So python script should only be used if you didn't backup app.db and backing up app.db should be done by everyone often.