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Unused "harem valentine" scene discovered in Persona 5 Royal by dataminer

A dataminer stumbled upon a deleted scene in the Chinese version of Persona 5 Royal, this scene appears to be an unused version of the Valentine Day event.

If the event is added back into the final version of the game, the same can be unlocked by choosing Royal's "Bad Ending" and engaging in an intimate relationship to more than just one female character in-game.

Source: Micky

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A dataminer stumbled across a deleted scene in the Chinese version of Persona 5 Royal, which appears to be an alternative version of the Valentine's Day event.

If left intact for the final version of the game, the event can be unlocked by choosing Royal's "Bad Ending" and engaging in an intimate relationship to more than just one female character in-game.

Source: Micky

Well, I can see why this was removed
Many people had the exact same perception.

Apparently, it's not well-received.
The scene seems to be not fully finished. they say "you did all this for us" yet from what we saw he did nothing but stand there with the lights on him lol.
However, If the scene was finished I don't really see what was wrong with it? It is basically a generic "Harem fawning over MC" scene. not that incredible but not bad in anyway.