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Forum - DKS

Transistor [CUSA00642] not working on 5.05?


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 21, 2018
any ideas for this?

Don Johnson

회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 12, 2018
This section is only for posting/sharing actual PKG files/games you have; not for asking questions. Please read the rules before creating posts and cluttering up the threads with useless posts that mods now need to come and delete. (https://forum.darksoftware.net/threads/read-before-posting.1439/) There are request threads and plenty of other places to ask questions, not in the section where people are releasing and sharing actual games (https://forum.darksoftware.net/forums/request-games-themes-movies.17/). If you would've taken 10 seconds to search, you would've came across a thread where someone is already requesting this game, and someone even REPLIED with a MAGNET link for a torrent. The game is already here. (https://forum.darksoftware.net/threads/transistor-re-upload.2671/). A little searching goes a long way.

Also, here's another link incase you really can't figure it out: (p.s.- stop requesting games in this thread and use the links provided. Going "I really need this,thx" isn't the way to go about asking for things here. You don't "need" it, you just "want" it. You need air, you need food, you don't need a game. Big difference.

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회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 21, 2018
This section is only for posting/sharing actual PKG files/games you have; not for asking questions. Please read the rules before creating posts and cluttering up the threads with useless posts that mods now need to come and delete. (https://forum.darksoftware.net/threads/read-before-posting.1439/) There are request threads and plenty of other places to ask questions, not in the section where people are releasing and sharing actual games (https://forum.darksoftware.net/forums/request-games-themes-movies.17/). If you would've taken 10 seconds to search, you would've came across a thread where someone is already requesting this game, and someone even REPLIED with a MAGNET link for a torrent. The game is already here. (https://forum.darksoftware.net/threads/transistor-re-upload.2671/). A little searching goes a long way.

Also, here's another link incase you really can't figure it out: (p.s.- stop requesting games in this thread and use the links provided. Going "I really need this,thx" isn't the way to go about asking for things here. You don't "need" it, you just "want" it. You need air, you need food, you don't need a game. Big difference.