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Forum - DKS

The Walking Dead new season installment debunked


In light of the rumors claiming that there's an up and coming new season installment for Telltale Games/Skybound Games' The Walking Dead, the developers claim that it is not happening and that the series is "not coming back."

The Walking Dead: The Final Season indeed has to be taken literally it seems.

Source: Micky
I'll front page this
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Reactions: DorianX
Sounds good.
that is very sad to hear, especially considering that they said back in the day that this is only the "final season" for Clementine's story, not necessarily for TWD in general. And there are many characters still confirmed alive that could be a good protagonist to continue with, including the S3 protagonist Javier. Or they could simply make a new protagonist with some Cameos. I loved that series, so the fact that they don't intend to continue it is very unfortunate IMO.