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Forum - DKS

Requsting Mania Mod Studio


Defenestration Demonstrator
Sep 1, 2018
Been wanting to have a go at modding Sonic Mania, like what was done with mario mania...
But am having a hard time finding Mania Mod Studio , I was wanting it to Repack RSDK file. if anyone has a working copy or link or even something that could repack a RSDK file it would be greatly appreciated.


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Aug 22, 2019
Been wanting to have a go at modding Sonic Mania, like what was done with mario mania...
But am having a hard time finding Mania Mod Studio , I was wanting it to Repack RSDK file. if anyone has a working copy or link or even something that could repack a RSDK file it would be greatly appreciated.
This any good. https://github.com/koolkdev/rsdkv5_extract
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Defenestration Demonstrator
Sep 1, 2018
cheers man, wanst aware this could repack aswell. will try this out now. Thanking you it works, now to try putting mods in sonic mania for ps4
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thought it was working , was mistaken, still trying to figure it out rsdkv5_extract works for unpacking just can't get rsdkv5_pack to do its job.... messing around with RetroED now..... Fingers crossed
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Was using RetroED , manage to rebuild rsdv as a bin file, which was pretty useless, tryd renaming to a rsdv, loaded the game fine with it , but it would crash soon after intro vid.....
Was reading one could repack these files with command prompts if python 2 was installed but havent had any luck doing that either.....
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