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question dump ps4 discs to hard drive without internet and userguide is it possible


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 2, 2018
Hi is it possible to do this method to dump a ps4 disc to external hard drive without using the userguide and internet
i know that there is a ESP8266 device chip and that is offline so you dont need the internet for that
but you still need to go to the userguide to dump a ps4 disc.
i was reading on the internet about a other software called homebrew store that does not need the userguide to dump ps4 discs to external hard drive
but you have to be on the internet to use this on your ps4. so my question is there any software for the ps4 that will dump a ps4 disc onto external hard drive
without using the internet. so maybe one of theses ESP8266 device chip or some other way to do this and is there any software tool to dump a ps4 disc without going into the userguide and getting errors.

like the ps3 days there was multiMan and it is a backup manager that dump ps3 discs to hard drive you did not get any errors with that and you did not need to be on the internet to do that or go to any guide.

so does anyone here know if any of the devs are working on a backup manager for the ps4 to dump the ps4 discs to hard drive without using the internet and userguide
so something like multiMan but for the ps4.

also deank said like 4 or 5 years ago years ago that he was doing a multiMan for the ps4 but nothing has happened with that you still might be able to find that information online cos that was on a other website.

and also it would be great if there was a emulator for the ps4 to play your old retro games off the hard drive
without turning them into pkg files.
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