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Forum - DKS

Keeping updates separate


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 12, 2018
I heard from a lot of people that it's better to store the game and update as separate and not keep them as merged together.. What's the reason for this?

The only reason I could think of is the update could mess the game somehow so it could be worse than non-updated version. Could that be the reason? Do you think of anything else?


Yes, I'm a girl...
Retired staff
Jul 10, 2018
Well, the one reason you mentioned is one thing to add but others are: it becomes easier to switch between different versions (down/upgrade).

If you merge your base game with an update you need to be 100% sure that it works perfectly and that the update is worth it.
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Fire Member
DarkSoftware Silver
:shrug: idk, i just keep my rips merged from now on. only thing i can see that not having the update merged would be good for is using cheats/trainers, if someone made cheats for a certain lower version.

Wilhelm Laitamaa

Jul 19, 2018
some people just have not enough space on usb for update and game