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Forum - DKS

If I buy a brand new PS4


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Feb 18, 2019
This will be a complete noob question.... but please help me out anyway.

I have a new 4K TV and would like to play some 4K games. At the moment I have a Switch with a ton of ROMs I can use but it's only HD. I don't want to buy original games only to test them out - if I like a game I buy it later.

If I buy a brand new PS4 what have I to watch out for to be able to play all PKG games I can find there.
What do I need to buy additional to the console and can I install it (chip, mod, ...) myself (let's say I'm a basic user with 0 experience in electronics)?
Do I have to do software updates, downgrades?
Can I still play original games online?
Is there something else I miss?

Thank you all for the answers!


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jul 12, 2018
When you buy a new PS4,you need to watch for console software version.
For now,to play all this PKG games from this site,you console needs to be on FW 7.55.
The whole process of jailbreaking doesn't require any special knowledge and you can do this by yourself in 10 minutes.
On jailbreakable console you can play your origianal disc games,but not the newest one (like RE8 etc,because they require system higher that 7.55).And you can't play online if you jailbreak the console.
I hope I covered the most of you questions.