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Forum - DKS

How to Offline Activate Your PS4 Profile (All Methods) - Master Tutorial - All Firmwares

Sam Daniel

Fire Member
DarkSoftware Silver
Jun 19, 2018
Master Tutorial for All Firmwares - With PSN Account / Without PSN Account. Web Activation Method - Computer Method - Step by Step on Extraction of PSN ID & Creating a PSN ID.



DKS Member
Mar 9, 2018
I understand that "All Commonly Used Jailbreakable Firmwares!" doesn't roll off the tongue or look as nice as "All Firmwares!" and I know I'm being pedantic but saying "All Firmwares" and then only actually being for 4 Firmwares kinda seems a little wrong. Also, I totally get that 99.9% of people jailbreaking are on those four firmwares but there ARE more than just those four that are jailbreakable so saying "ALL FIRMWARES!" with a exclamation point seems a little funny.

Sam Daniel

Fire Member
DarkSoftware Silver
Jun 19, 2018
I understand that "All Commonly Used Jailbreakable Firmwares!" doesn't roll off the tongue or look as nice as "All Firmwares!" and I know I'm being pedantic but saying "All Firmwares" and then only actually being for 4 Firmwares kinda seems a little wrong. Also, I totally get that 99.9% of people jailbreaking are on those four firmwares but there ARE more than just those four that are jailbreakable so saying "ALL FIRMWARES!" with a exclamation point seems a little funny.

Completely Agree, But in short, I always use a certain firmware mentioned for every video which does let the rest of them on other firmwares left out (Though it does support them too). However, If you notice. All Firmwares does denote by common understanding all the Jailbreak-able firmwares, And I've mentioned it at the start of the video. Also, Right below "All Firmwares" in the Thumbnail I've mentioned the firmwares supported so it's not misleading. But thanks for point that out!


DKS Member
Mar 9, 2018
Yeah,sorry for that. I was on little sleep when I posted that and I guess was in a smart-ass kind of mood or something.
That said, I do think you might have missed the point I had been trying to make though. I was just trying to say that there are MORE jailbreakable firmwares than just 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55, however as mentioned 99.9% of people aren't on them. But I'm pretty sure ChendoChap implemented ipv6-uaf on every single firmware from 5.05 through 7.02.
Like, I have a Ps4 Pro on 5.55 and for some reason haven't updated to 6.72. I can run HEN on it, however even though your tutorial might say "all Jailbreakable Firmwares" I wouldn't be able to follow your tutorial even though my firmware is jailbreak-able, due to not having the proper payloads and programs specifically offset for firmware 5.55.
Though, like I said when I posted it, I was just being a bit pedantic or a smart-ass because I thought "ALL FIRMWARES!" was funny but my humor is probably a bit odd.
Sorry, for wasting your time.
Keep up the good work.

Sam Daniel

Fire Member
DarkSoftware Silver
Jun 19, 2018
Yeah,sorry for that. I was on little sleep when I posted that and I guess was in a smart-ass kind of mood or something.
That said, I do think you might have missed the point I had been trying to make though. I was just trying to say that there are MORE jailbreakable firmwares than just 5.05/6.72/7.02/7.55, however as mentioned 99.9% of people aren't on them. But I'm pretty sure ChendoChap implemented ipv6-uaf on every single firmware from 5.05 through 7.02.
Like, I have a Ps4 Pro on 5.55 and for some reason haven't updated to 6.72. I can run HEN on it, however even though your tutorial might say "all Jailbreakable Firmwares" I wouldn't be able to follow your tutorial even though my firmware is jailbreak-able, due to not having the proper payloads and programs specifically offset for firmware 5.55.
Though, like I said when I posted it, I was just being a bit pedantic or a smart-ass because I thought "ALL FIRMWARES!" was funny but my humor is probably a bit odd.
Sorry, for wasting your time.
Keep up the good work.

Ah! No worries. I do get where you're coming from. You do have a point there, However, as you mentioned 99.9% aren't on them - Hopefully shouldn't be an issue! Thank you though :)