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How can fps be displayed on a jailbroken ps4?Is there anyway?


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Mar 18, 2022
I saw earlier today a guy on a youtube video where he was playing uncharted and the fps with other data were being shown.How is this possible?I know there are some tools like orbis toolbox that display cpu usage,vram usage and so on,but is there a special app that displays fps?The link to the video is: .Starting from the minute 6:06.


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 23, 2018
I saw earlier today a guy on a youtube video where he was playing uncharted and the fps with other data were being shown.How is this possible?I know there are some tools like orbis toolbox that display cpu usage,vram usage and so on,but is there a special app that displays fps?The link to the video is: .Starting from the minute 6:06.

They are using the Developer menu there. So that's all because of using that.

Now it seems displaying FPS will be included into new GoldHEN soon.