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News Horizon Zero Dawn is coming to PC


Confirmed via Sony's blog on their official site earlier today.

Ex-PS4 exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn is coming to PC.


This is what Hermen Hulst had to say:

"I can confirm that Horizon Zero Dawn is coming to PC this summer…. There will be more information coming from Guerrilla, from the new studio directors [Michiel van der Leeuw, JB van Beek, and Angie Smets] pretty soon."


Guerrilla Games are also the people behind Killzone.

"I think it’s important that we stay open to new ideas of how to introduce more people to PlayStation, and show people maybe what they’ve been missing out on."


HZD originally released in early 2017 for the PS4.

"To maybe put a few minds at ease, releasing one first-party AAA title to PC doesn’t necessarily mean that every game now will come to PC. In my mind, Horizon Zero Dawn was just a great fit in this particular instance. We don’t have plans for day and date [PC releases], and we remain 100% committed to dedicated hardware."


Forgive the lack of commentary on my side, it's just that I am speechless.

Despite rumors, this is certainly unexpected.

People have also been wondering for a while now if HZD might get a sequel on PS5.

Who knows what the future may have in store for HZD.


Let us know what you thing about HZD coming to PC.​
What a great game. one of the GOAT
i would prob play it again together with the DLC frozen wilds.
deff a must play
I believe if there a graphic settings and upgrades, RAM & CPU more than PS4. It's used to be PS5 on PC. It's really great.