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Hello, this is my introduction


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Mar 3, 2019
1. How did you find DarkSoftware?
To be honest, I was looking on reddit to see where the best place to find switch roms, the first result was this place. Hopefully I can find that and more! Looking forward to it.
2. What is your favorite games?
Off of the top of my head, I would say the first Guacamelee, Donkey Kong 64, Cod WAW, Castlevania Lords of Shadows, Halo 3, not a huge fan of battle royal games.
3. What is your favorite anime or cartoon, comic, hentai, drama?
Favorite Anime, I know its lame but probably Hajime No Ippo, comic Detective Comics, or pretty much anything DC
4. Do have any musical interests you would like to share with us?
I mostly listen to rap, classic rock, not a huge fan of EDM or country.
5. Where are you from? - If you don't like to say. Just say another world or something.
Florida USA
6. What is your occupation?
Operations Manager at a wholesale distributor
7. What are some of your talents or things you are proud of doing or having?
I am pretty good at running, that's about it haha.
8. What are your hobbies?
Running, playing video games. That's it!
9. What games do you enjoy playing?
Pretty much any online FPS game that isn't a battle royal, any RPG or looter shooter. Hack and slash games also rock.