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Forum - DKS

Hello from Ali


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Aug 27, 2022
hello guys, it's good to be here.

How did you find DarkSoftware?
I found this awesome community on YouTube channel
2. What is your favorite games?
Witcher 3

3. What is your favorite anime or cartoon, comic, drama?


4. Do have any musical interests you would like to share with us?
I play whatever plays on spotify.

5. Where are you from? - Pakistan
6. What is your occupation?
freelancer, coder, web developer
7. What are some of your talents or things you are proud of doing or having?
I can game and code lol

8. What are your hobbies?
games playing lot of games

9. What games do you enjoy playing?
open world
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Staff member
Forum Admin
Mar 10, 2018
Seoul, South korea
Welcome to DKS Guild! And enjoy with community!
If you're hungry then you can have a KFC fried chicken here!