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Forum - DKS

Hello and wanting to help the scene if possible but a bit about me...


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Dec 13, 2021
Hey there,

I enjoy playing video games obviously, and since the exploit for 9.00 came out I have been enjoying figuring some things out and making backups of my games. While doing this, though, I thought that maybe I could help the scene in some way. I tried to start learning how backports and DLC region conversions work—and honestly, wow, that stuff is pretty hard, especially when you have no idea what you are doing! I also love some old PS2 games and would love to learn if there is a way to contribute in making some titles playable, like Path of Neo. Awesome game, awful graphical glitches despite that the wiki says minor!

I love the gaming scene and I believe in game preservation. I don't necessarily believe in piracy but if there is a game that you just can't get your hands on legitimately, and you have tried, well, if you have the means at your disposal then cool. I try not to judge others either because no one really knows what another person might actually be going through in their life.

I have ADD, anxiety and depression and doing game stuff really alleviates some ADD symptoms, I still get anxious as all hell, and generally, every day is a depressive battle, but that's a story for some other time. I'm actually quite shy, and I don't often engage in forums and stuff, so I do tend to go very quiet at times, depends on what's happening in my life and my mental health.

I stay in South Africa in the Eastern Cape in a little town called East London. I truly believe that this where dreams come to die and hope fades slowly away. I have a 9-year-old daughter who is awesome and sarcastic at times, I've taught her well. Lol

I'm currently unemployed, but I might actually have a writing gig with a gaming website soon, they contacted me recently and are offering me an opportunity to prove myself. So hold thumbs, I succeed. I've been jobless for like four years now, so this would really help.

I found about this site I think on Twitter. I remember reading something from Lightning Mods (this was before 9.00 exploit) and I thought I would check it out. I saw what the site offered and immediately bookmarked it, feeling that as soon an exploit got released I would be able to come here. Which is exactly what happened, lol.

I mostly love 3rd person, action-adventure games or superhero games. Not really a fan of isometric or RPG's in general, but it does really depend on the story. I find that I do play RPG's if there is a more science fiction setting like Mass Effect, but generally I enjoy things like Uncharted, Arkham, Spider-Man, OG Assassin's Creed, some first person games but not really COD or Battlefield. I enjoy different first person games, like horrors, I love horrors and then anything with wormholes or time travel. I'm such a nerd for that kind of stuff. My tastes can vary, it depends on if I am gelling with the story or characters.

Favorite cartoon would have to be the 90s Spider-Man Animated series. Still love that show, that and Batman Beyond were legit. I'm a big fan of Supernatural. I cried like a **** at the end.

I like Rap music mostly but I kind of vibe from my kind of music late 90s and early 2000s. Linkin Park, The Calling, obviously Eminem, but again, if the beat is good, I will probably enjoy it. I also enjoy music from the 50s and up. My late dad indoctrinated the hell out of me and my sisters when we were growing up. Anyone heard of Englebert Humperdink?

My biggest talent or skill would probably be the ability to listen to people. I believe everyone has a story to tell, and people shouldn't be afraid of embracing their feelings and should resist the urge to push them away. Take it from someone who had to be admitted to a mental health clinic twice. It's not worth the mental anguish.

Sometimes, people just need someone to listen to them and know that another person understands. I'm good at that kind of stuff.