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Forum - DKS

Death Stranding Directors Cut "Upgrade Path"


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Dec 22, 2021
On the official Playstation blog they mentioned that the content available on the PS5 Death Stranding Director's Cut Edition would be made available as a DLC for $10 for the PS4 on launch day (September 24, 2021). I can't find any more information about that. Does anyone know if the extra content for PS4 was ever released, or was the idea scrapped?

Here's the quote from the official blog:

Upgrade path defined​

If you already own the PS4 version of Death Stranding, you can get the PS5 Death Stranding Director’s Cut Digital Deluxe Edition Upgrade for only [$10, €10]. This option will be available at launch.

Buy any version of Death Stranding for PS4 to get the Death Stranding Director’s Cut Digital Deluxe Edition Upgrade for PS5 for the same price mentioned above.***

EDIT: I'm wondering if maybe I misunderstood. Maybe it's saying if you already own the PS4 version, instead of paying full price for the PS5 game, you can pay $10. In which case, it seems there would be no DLC for the extra content for PS4. Hmm...
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회원 | Member
Feb 26, 2020
On the official Playstation blog they mentioned that the content available on the PS5 Death Stranding Director's Cut Edition would be made available as a DLC for $10 for the PS4 on launch day (September 24, 2021). I can't find any more information about that. Does anyone know if the extra content for PS4 was ever released, or was the idea scrapped?

Here's the quote from the official blog:

EDIT: I'm wondering if maybe I misunderstood. Maybe it's saying if you already own the PS4 version, instead of paying full price for the PS5 game, you can pay $10. In which case, it seems there would be no DLC for the extra content for PS4. Hmm...

Yes it's not available on PS4, but it's if you own the PS4 version you can get it for $10 on PS5. There is no Director's Cut on PS4, only PS5 and it's coming to PC shortly.
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