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Forum - DKS

Tutorial Daybreak: A Better (Safer) Option than ChoiDuJourNX for Upgrading/Downgrading System Firmware


ジャーメイン | Black, White, and Asian
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Jun 21, 2018
There's a newer and better (safer) method of upgrading/downgrading system firmware: Daybreak.

Requirement: Latest version of Atmosphere

SciresM says this on Reddit about Choudujournx:

1. It's not safe. It installs and deletes in a way where something goes wrong in the middle of the process you can end up with partially installed updates or corruption. This happens more than you think.
2. It doesn't reliably update the BIS partitions containing package1/package2 correctly.
3. It will brick your device when run on Mariko because it always flashes erista firmware.
4. Its developer does not maintain it and has not been around for a year or so.

Source: YouTube