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Forum - DKS

Not a bug Can you please fix this?

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Internet Pioneer
회원 | Member
Jul 21, 2018
The search engine is really strange and not consistent. It will claim a search string is too short, but it might be 8 characters long, which is pretty long for a game title. The length check probably needs to be lowered to two characters, as there are some games known as a three letter name for a title.

Here, I will include a screen grab showing this issue:



Internet Pioneer
회원 | Member
Jul 21, 2018
This isn't a bug.

If just your word could not found, could be "UFC3 or something CUSA-XXXXX. It will be found a word.

Try to check this: https://forum.darksoftware.net/search/ or LiveSearch: http://prntscr.com/ldb65h

uh,.. I'm a pretty experienced programmer. That's a bug. It's not telling me that my search can't be found, it's telling me that the search is too short, when it is not.

The entire reason I used the UFC game as an example is because it was something posted, more than once. So either way you look at it, it's a bug.


Request PS2 Games To Me
Jun 12, 2018
The search engine is really strange and not consistent. It will claim a search string is too short, but it might be 8 characters long, which is pretty long for a game title. The length check probably needs to be lowered to two characters, as there are some games known as a three letter name for a title.

Here, I will include a screen grab showing this issue:

Probably claims its too short because of the length of each word, not total characters.
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