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Forum - DKS


  1. U

    Tutorial Previously owned games not playable anymore. Solution!

    If you want to play a previously owned game, you won't be able to play it anymore. Starting the Retail version will lead to an error, so you can't even start it. Starting a fpkg of the same game might actually let you start the game but you can't create new savedata because it always says...
  2. KebabS

    Playing retail games + DLC

    Hey guys How do I play a game like Tekken 7 with DLC? I got the game as disc but I cannot seem to play DLC 1. I tried installing the DLC that my brother, 윤희지, uploaded but unfortunately it doesn't work :( I am using a jailbroken PS4 on 5.05, Han 1.7. I hope someone can help me. I jailbroke my...