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Forum - DKS

ps2 on ps4

  1. R

    Any Missing PS2 Games?

    From what i can tell, every PS2 game ever made (the good and decent ones anyway) that works on PS4 via emulator, has been posted. Is there any game you think is missing? If there is, post the name of it on this thread and i'll see if it works on PS4. If it does, i'll create a thread for it.
  2. thevapinggaymer

    Research (ps2 emu on ps4)

    I have done a huge amount of research on making ps2 pkg files for ps4. A lot of the research is using PCSX2 setting for the ps4. I have read online that some of them work but couldn't get most of them to work for a certain game series. I have spent over a week trying to get the Shadow hearts...
  3. thevapinggaymer

    People posting broken ps2 pkg games.

    I have noticed many people have been posting certain ps2 pkg games without even testing them on the ps4 themselves and then never responding to the thread to fix them. Could you please test out your custom ps2 pkg games before posting. Many games do not work since they need a custom config for...