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Forum - DKS

need help

  1. Vitosal

    PS4 - The Ezio Collection - Ubisoft Rewards

    Hey guys, I finally got around to making a backup of my Ezio Collection. I haven't played it since its release. I've reinstalled it and currently playing through it to make sure it's okay, but I've only just remembered that there was some “DLC” or “Ubisoft Club” rewards which I cannot get...
  2. I

    [Solved] A Problem with Database rebuilding 9.00

    I'm currently on firmware 9.00, I have about 5tb of game on a external HDD when I launch golden hen v2 there was a point that it crashed and restarted into safe mode. The ps4 then went on to rebuild its database. That said, when i got back into the main menu only 1/800 game was showing. I...