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Forum - DKS

9.00 jailbreak

  1. mcnolimits

    PSN Games don't run

    Hi, After the jailbreak I can't play the Digital Games bought on PS Store. PS asks to login to PSN. Is this normal? There's a fix? And sorry if this is in the wrong forum section! Moderators if it's can you move to right section, please?
  2. U

    Tutorial Previously owned games not playable anymore. Solution!

    If you want to play a previously owned game, you won't be able to play it anymore. Starting the Retail version will lead to an error, so you can't even start it. Starting a fpkg of the same game might actually let you start the game but you can't create new savedata because it always says...
  3. S

    [Kernel Update] PS4 9.00 Jailbreak - Chendo Chap updated his Kernel Exploit!

    The Super Stable 9.00 Jailbreak - Keeps getting more Stable! Thanks to Chendo Chap's new Kernel Update. Also covering regarding the confusion of 'Re-Flashing' your USB with the new .IMG file. PS : You do NOT need to re-flash it.
  4. M

    Video Tutorial - Host your own PS4 9.00 Jailbreak Server on the cheap (ESP8266 D1 Mini)

    Hey all, I made this video to help others find an alternative to Jailbreaking their 9.00 PS4s without an internet connection. I hope this helps! I have other videos if you find this one helpful at YouTube. Thanks, MC
  5. S

    [Tutorial] Easy Method PS4 9.00 Jailbreak - Answering all Frequently Asked Questions - Video

    Hey Guys! Since we now have a Complete Jailbreak. The initial method available was with a few extra steps! Now we have it much more simpler thanks to @Leeful! & @Kameleon Making a quick Host to Auto-Run GoldHen 2.0 without needing NetCat GUI etc. Also noticed alot of Common questions in my...