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[Tutorial] How to prevent missing fpkgs when rebuilding database


회원 | Member
Feb 26, 2020
I decided to make a simple tutorial on how to prevent losing your fpkgs and apps when rebuilding database. The PS4 can decide your database is corrupt at any time and force you to do one and then all your fpkgs are gone, but not really gone they're still on the hard drive but they will not appear anywhere on the PS4. Instead of scrambling and panicking here's a pretty easy way to prevent that it just takes a little bit more work on your part so that you're prepared for it.

Using FTP which if you're using Goldhen and have your PS4 connected to the internet you're already set as far as the PS4 for FTP. If you're not using GoldHen you will need to run the FTP payload found on most exploit pages.

Then go to Filezilla or whatever FTP client you use and connect it to the IP that the PS4 tells you. Now go to /system_data/priv/mms and simply copy app.db to your PC.

Save this in a safe place and also make copies, it is literally your PS4 database with all of your games exactly how you have them set.

If you have to restore it simply copy it back to the same location /system_data/priv/mms sign out of your PS4 and log back in (you don't even have to restart the system nor lose your exploit, just log out of your account) and your PS4 will be exactly where it was when you copied over the app.db.

So if you delete a game or especially add a game you will want to copy this to your PC again because if you don't do it again you won't have that game that you added or the deleted game will show as an empty icon. So just get in the habit of every change you make take less than 5 minutes to copy this and you may be thankful one day while there is a way to fix it without the app.db you have to use a python script and then you can't delete your games anymore and they don't show up in storage. What you have to do is fix it using the app.db and you have to make changes to it to fix those things which all of that takes more time than just makng a copy of your app.db when everything is working good. Another reason to do it this way vs the python script is I'm pretty sure you will lose all homebrew apps such as Remote Package Installer or Emulators using the python script while this will restore everything on the PS4.

I just did a database rebuild voluntarily minutes before making this tutorial on 7.55 because it kept crashing randomly and copied my backed up app.db back to it and all of my folder structures and games were restored exactly as they were before the rebuild so it saved me because all games were gone.

p.s. if you're using a external hard drive it's a bit different all you have to do is run Hen/GoldHen and plug it in and it will restore all the games just give it a few minutes to find them. The app.db doesn't effect the external you just simply plug it in after running exploit and it should find all your fpkgs again because they will also disappear with a database rebuild.
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I thought about it prevent is the wrong word because your fpkgs will still disappear whenever you rebuild the database but this is a better and easier way to fix it I guess.
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회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jul 24, 2020
There is another convenient way to backup the app.db file without using computer.

For example, after installing/uninstalling a game, you can run the homebrew named PS4-Xplorer.v1.32.PS4 (7.55) from lapy. Remember to plug a fat32/exfat usb into the ps4, then you can copy the file to usb. I find it way more convenient than accessing ps4 hard drive from pc everytime.

Not many people, including me want to keep the internet connection on jailbroken ps4.
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회원 | Member
Feb 26, 2020
Either way is fine but I use remote package installer to install games and you can keep internet connection by using alazif' dns it prevents updates and is perfectly safe to stay online with. So if you know what you're doing you can use internet with no problem.
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회원 | Member
회원 | Member
May 30, 2018
Yeah, I use RPI and the DNS ^^ too and works well backing up the db via FTP.

You can also use, the backup & restore payloads aswell. Just other options to go with.


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Nov 24, 2021
Either way is fine but I use remote package installer to install games and you can keep internet connection by using alazif' dns it prevents updates and is perfectly safe to stay online with. So if you know what you're doing you can use internet with no problem.
This is a lot more convenient but if your constantly using FTP anyways than the FTP method is fine, easier, and convenient too.


Staff member
Forum Admin
Jan 11, 2019
@JayMathis awesome thread
There is another convenient way to backup the app.db file without using computer.

For example, after installing/uninstalling a game, you can run the homebrew named PS4-Xplorer.v1.32.PS4 (7.55) from lapy. Remember to plug a fat32/exfat usb into the ps4, then you can copy the file to usb. I find it way more convenient than accessing ps4 hard drive from pc everytime.

Not many people, including me want to keep the internet connection on jailbroken ps4.
awesome community sharing the many ways.


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 26, 2019
So I have all my games on my HDD still says that there is 5tb of games there but when i database rebuild it only updates about 200/900 games.
I was thinking that this happens because im using https://github.com/aizenar/PS4_db_Rebuilder_EXT/releases/tag/v0.1 and my firmware is at 9.00 and the rebuilder only runs at 7.55.
My initial steps was to just run golden hen 2 and then unplug the HDD and replug it in however when i did that only 1 game showed up. As i didn't ever have this problem I never used the database backup option after the firmware update. So now i'm at a loss of what to do or how to get the remaining games to appear from my HDD


회원 | Member
Feb 26, 2020
So I have all my games on my HDD still says that there is 5tb of games there but when i database rebuild it only updates about 200/900 games.
I was thinking that this happens because im using https://github.com/aizenar/PS4_db_Rebuilder_EXT/releases/tag/v0.1 and my firmware is at 9.00 and the rebuilder only runs at 7.55.
My initial steps was to just run golden hen 2 and then unplug the HDD and replug it in however when i did that only 1 game showed up. As i didn't ever have this problem I never used the database backup option after the firmware update. So now i'm at a loss of what to do or how to get the remaining games to appear from my HDD

I'm not sure if I can help you with that but I'll give you the information that I can. Are you saying you're using a 5TB internal or external? External you usually can just plug back in and it'll find all the games. If it's internal this thread is meant for backing up your app.db which you should have done before you rebuild the database, then all you'd have to do is copy back over the app.db file through ftp and your games will reappear. This PS4_db_rebuild_EXT seems to be a new version of PS4_db_rebuilder where you use a python script. That was the only other way I knew to be able to restore your games besides backing up your app.db.

I would add your issue under the github for PS4_db_Rebuilder_EXT. According to this one it should work on 9.0. It's not really something I can help with though but I would definitely add a new issue with your situation on github.
