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Our website is now partnered with FL-Anime!

Hiya 회원!

First Mascot & banner improved.png
We have chosen to collaborate with @coolio0503 as a new Glory to mankind and partner since we wish to share these announcements for excellent news! We wanted to be sure to let you know that we started streaming anime last month, but we're also working on a new user interface and system upgrades, as well as maybe introducing a feature like establishing an account to help you track or edit your database's own list.

For the FL-Anime source list,
Anime Streaming:

What about Manga, though? I'm not sure if this is something we want to do, but it's doubtful that it will. However, we will do our best to keep you informed in the future. Check back here and return later.

Her name as a mascot is still unclear. We're thinking about her and what she'll be named and given a new name.
UPDATED: @coolio0503 has decided to name her Yuki!

Glory to mankind!

@coolio0503 hey coolio what is this 503 as in ES and Bukele?
Nice one, just started watching Tokyo Ghoul, as I've never got round to it before. Thanks for the website link.
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lets goooooooooo! another anime website!
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Seems like cloudflare error
It still says host error.
It's not possible to fix right now, so still currently maintenance, I'll keep update for you later