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Reviews [Official Review] Superliminal [Nintendo Switch]


Review code provided by the game's developer (Thank you!)

"Perception is reality"


In Superliminal you play as a test subject in something known as "the dream therapy program", throughout the game you will encounter a series of puzzles and "dream oddities" as you dwell deeper into what seems to be your own dreams or subconscious...

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The whole idea is good but the execution isn't stellar, but there is more to this game than meets the eye.


The game features mostly basic geometry and objects, but it also features more complex areas and it likes to play around with light shafts, while some may find all this very basic I think it works for this game as we are visiting the main character's own dreams.

The perspective tricks are pulled off quite nicely and there may be a few areas that are pretty atmospheric, for example - there's an area that at first looks like a scary - dark - overly creepy hospital but it turns out to be just a screenplay kinda place like others you'll encounter in the game.



The game's main mechanic is the ability to make objects bigger or smaller, you can also rotate objects and place them anywhere in accordance with your perspective.

Other things you can do include: use your perspective to align two or more images blended in with the environment to create an object you can move around and work with.

You can also duplicate items.

There is also a few other nifty tricks you can perform but those aren't really explained, you just have to figure them out by yourself, I have heard some say this is bad design but I think the player shouldn't be explained how everything works or how to solve every puzzle, it is nice to just figure things out by yourself sometimes.

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The quality of sound effects and the music is great, it fits the "this is a dream" idea, sometimes the music stops and it leaves you wondering... why? It is unsettling and I like that quite a bit.

The song you'll hear most of the time sound like a classical tune.

As for voice acting, the person giving voice to the doctor did a good job.

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-A few frame drops
-Major frame drops in a few areas or when there are a lot of objects reacting to physics

The Good and The Bad

While I like the game's atmosphere and mechanics I think they could have done a bit more with them.

I also think they could have included more puzzle variety.

The story isn't as fleshed out, if anything the story is confusing or you don't really stop to think about it, maybe it is meant to be obscure or hard to figure out or maybe it isn't important and you shouldn't give it much thought. But I loved the experience a lot regardless, a lot of things I was not expecting and I think that's what makes this game so good.

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Graphics: 7/10
Sound: 7/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Story: 3/10

Final score
