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What's going on with remote package installation (switchs to external server)


DKS Member
DKS Member
Jun 13, 2019
Here I am downloading god of war fpkg for EU and setup local server to send the fpkg over to PS4 using the PS4 remote package installer,
it does start downloading from the local server
I know that because I can see the requests
$ darkhttpd storage/0/ShareDownloads/ darkhttpd/1.13, copyright (c) 2003-2021 Emil Mikulic. listening on: - - [10/Feb/2022:14:34:58 +0300] "GET /godofwar.pkg HTTP/1.1" 200 1032665 "" "Download/1.00 libhttp/9.00 (PlayStation 4)" - - [10/Feb/2022:14:34:58 +0300] "GET /godofwar.pkg HTTP/1.1" 206 1124 "" "Download/1.00 libhttp/9.00 (PlayStation 4)" - - [10/Feb/2022:14:34:58 +0300] "GET /godofwar.pkg HTTP/1.1" 206 1965 "" "Download/1.00 libhttp/9.00 (PlayStation 4)" - - [10/Feb/2022:14:34:58 +0300] "GET /godofwar.pkg HTTP/1.1" 206 497970 "" "Download/1.00 libhttp/9.00 (PlayStation 4)"
A minutes later PS4 stops Downloading from the local server and start downloading from an external server
Like I could shutdown darkhttpd and the game continue downloading
Then when the first half of the game finished ,PS4 refuses to install it with error cannot install , CE-36441-8
9.00 FW