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Tutorial Saving Titles Directly to SysNand (Keep SD Space and Maintain Fuses)


회원 | Member
I'm currently using Atmosphere/Kosmos to boot SysNand OFW 7.0.1 and SXos to boot 6.2.0 EmuNand.
I was trying to figure out how to download games to my Nintendo Switch SysNand and found that if there's a SD card inserted it will fill that first. Using my large SD, I wanted to max out the most space possible for installing NSPs on EmuNand. So, downloading games to SysNand from Eshop was automatically using SD space and that was storage space I wanted to save. I searched all over the internet to change where content is saved, the only way known on those sites were to power off and remove the SD. Well, if you're trying to maintain a fuse count like I am that's a huge problem. You can't use an unofficial bootloader without a SD card with the proper boot files inserted, and you can't boot the latest firmware from the official bootloader without burning your fuses to match that firmware. This was trouble for me, as I absolutely refused to burn any more fuses. There's no options to change where titles are downloaded, transfer content from one storage option to another, or unmount/mount storage at all on the Switch. Nintendo, you're OS is complete ass. The best solution I came to realize was to grab the smallest SD card I had (4GB in my case), and copy all my boot files to it. Then I filled the rest of the space with MP3s and MP4s (doesn't really matter what files you use). I inserted that into my switch and booted up 7.0.1 OFW SysNand (Stock) using Atmosphere. Doing this I was able to download content from Eshop directly to my SysNand without using SD space on my main card, or burning any fuses. Then, when I was done I just inserted my original SD and accomplished what I was attempting and couldn't find an answer for on the web. This is the best method I could come up with. I hope this helps someone trying to save up their SD storage and maintain a fuse count like I was.
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