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[Released] The Hallway - A P.T Clone For The Vita


DarkSoftware Silver
Mar 14, 2018
I am sure by now many of you have heard about a demo called P.T, the game was to be the next Silent Hill game for the PS4 and was being made by Hideo Kojima, news emerged of how badly Konami was treating it's employees, Silent Hill got cancelled and Kojima left the company.


However things would take a more sinister turn, Konami tried to delete all existence of P.T from the internet, Sony removed the ability to download the demo from the PS Store and the only way for PS4 owners to enjoy it was via a hacked PS4.

But these type of obstacles inspire people to do awesome things, someone created a version of the demo for PC owners and recently VitaHeX released a version of the demo for PS Vita owners, here is a quote from the developer:
This game is a recreation of my all time favorite PT demo. In the PS Vita version I call it "The Hallway" (for obvious reasons). It's a complete recreation of the original with handmade 3d models and environments I created as close as possible to original.

All the lighting, fog effects and the atmosphere is highly optimized for the PS Vita.

In this short demo you will be able to experience the horror in "loops" again and again but with some new small surprises. The game features high quality 3D sound so I highly recommend playing the game with headphones!

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