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Forum - DKS

Random Gaming News


"That guy"
Staff member
Forum Admin
So this is pretty much an attempt to spice up the general section, here's hoping it works!

I'll post things here I find funny and/or interesting. Let me know what you think of it! Most of this stuff is grabbed from YT or things I've come across randomly in my internet travels.

To start with:

Xbox Head says Elder Scrolls 6 release date set to be after Fable reboot (Post -2023): https://gamerant.com/phil-spencer-confirms-elder-scrolls-6-releasing-after-fable/

This one really hits home, I knew it was farther off but 2023? That's just upsetting...

Waze adds Master Cheif's voiceover + Warthog and Ghost Icons:

if you ever wanted to have your own spartan.... well this is about as close as your gonna get, also we all know who we're making the ghosts on there right?

Gabe Newell on Half-Life: https://uploadvr.com/gabe-newell-al...g5Bm03GJ-f4P8pseC0nHtvY1LJ-QZsJ7jkaVKMMOqw2ec

Gabe hints at the direction of the Half-Life franchise with Alyx's ending, stating "It worked perfectly in terms of where we’re headed.”

EA Releases a Statement saying it doesn't give enough credit: https://www.gamesradar.com/ea-says-it-doesnt-get-enough-credit-for-its-studio-acquisitions/

Not much here frankly, EA being a **** as usual but it's funny so...

Blizzard President steps down amid lawsuit: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2021...-allen-brack-steps-down-amid-lawsuit-fallout/

Didn't particularly care for this one but it's pretty big

I'm going to try to do this once a week and lets see how it goes any discussion is welcomed and encouraged!


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Aug 20, 2021
So this is pretty much an attempt to spice up the general section, here's hoping it works!

I'll post things here I find funny and/or interesting. Let me know what you think of it! Most of this stuff is grabbed from YT or things I've come across randomly in my internet travels.

To start with:

Xbox Head says Elder Scrolls 6 release date set to be after Fable reboot (Post -2023): https://gamerant.com/phil-spencer-confirms-elder-scrolls-6-releasing-after-fable/

This one really hits home, I knew it was farther off but 2023? That's just upsetting...

Waze adds Master Cheif's voiceover + Warthog and Ghost Icons:

if you ever wanted to have your own spartan.... well this is about as close as your gonna get, also we all know who we're making the ghosts on there right?

Gabe Newell on Half-Life: https://uploadvr.com/gabe-newell-al...g5Bm03GJ-f4P8pseC0nHtvY1LJ-QZsJ7jkaVKMMOqw2ec

Gabe hints at the direction of the Half-Life franchise with Alyx's ending, stating "It worked perfectly in terms of where we’re headed.”

EA Releases a Statement saying it doesn't give enough credit: https://www.gamesradar.com/ea-says-it-doesnt-get-enough-credit-for-its-studio-acquisitions/

Not much here frankly, EA being a **** as usual but it's funny so...

Blizzard President steps down amid lawsuit: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2021...-allen-brack-steps-down-amid-lawsuit-fallout/

Didn't particularly care for this one but it's pretty big

I'm going to try to do this once a week and lets see how it goes any discussion is welcomed and encouraged!

I didn't realise fable was so far out! The way some people were talking about it, I thought it must have been relatively soon.

EA must be feeling irrelevant, no publicity is bad publicity and all that jazz... If they want attention they should port sims to the switch.