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Forum - DKS

PS4 Firmware Collection's


Staff member
Forum Admin
Mar 10, 2018
Seoul, South korea
Firmware: OFW is Sony's official firmware. Use this for standard OFW-to-OFW upgrades.

OFW is Sony's official firmware recovery. Use this for OFW updates on a PS4 that does not have any OFW installed.


KIOSK is a PS4 firmware that is utilized at places like "GameStop" where customers may freely play them. Normally installs on an OFW console and may be reverted, however if you choose to do so (once accessible), you are solely responsible.


CFW is a type of modified firmware created by hackers. Allows the execution of unsigned apps. There is currently no form accessible on PS4 and will not be for some time.


MFW stands for modified firmware. There is currently no form accessible on PS4 and will not be for a long time.


TESTKIT on actual developer consoles is a utilized. It is not possible to utilize on a user console. Has numerous features that would normally be found on a CFW with DEX, despite the fact that it is NOT a CFW.


While extremely similar to TESTKIT, DEVKIT takes use of extra hardware that the DEVKIT possesses over the TESTKIT while most other aspects stay the same. It is not possible to utilize on a user console.


BETA FIRMWARE is utilized for a small group of persons who have access to beta versions. The beta firmwares available for download here are intended for developers only and will not function for end users.

Types of Systems:

is the default setting for most OFW. There are no unique features.


DEX is used on developer consoles as part of TESTKIT and may be customized for use on consumer consoles using CFW. There are other features, such as debug settings.


**** is utilized for demo PS4 models at stores, among other things.


Sounds really perfect and let's start over now.

Now that you understand the fundamentals, it is time to obtain the. PUP is now available on the PlayStation 4. Continue to Part 2.

  1. Purchase a flash drive with at least 1GB of storage space. Also, ensure that the required firmware is downloaded.

  2. Create this directory in the USB flash drive's root directory.


  4. Obviously, you'll need a genuine .PUP update to replace the "PS4UPDATE.PUP" file. Make certain that it is precisely that.

  5. Once everything is in order, we may install it on our PS4. Part 3 is now available.
  1. Start the PS4 in safe mode.

  2. Connect the USB storage device that contains Insert PS4UPDATE.PUP into PS4.

  3. Turn off the PS4 by pressing and holding the power button. The power LED will blink briefly before turning off.

  4. Once your PS4 has been turned off, press and hold the power button. Once you've heard two complete beeps, let go of your finger. The first time is when you switch on the console, and the second time is roughly 8 seconds later.

  5. Plug up your DS4 controller via USB and click the PS button.

  6. Select "Update System Software" and then follow the on-screen instructions to finish the installation. I recommend not having a game disc in the system if you don't want to screw up upgrading.

DKS.XYZ PS4 OFW Download Links:
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