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Problem using App2usb moving dlc to external hdd in 9.00


DKS Member
DKS Member
May 29, 2018
I have a question - How to link/move dlc from internal ps4 hdd to external hdd on PS4 9.00? My internal hdd is full. I try to use App2usb using karo218etc but it always move everything including games and updates which are on internal hdd . It always skip the dlc on the internal hdd. I want to move black ops 3 dlc as it is taking lots space on internal hdd but there is no way to do so. Please help me out.

Edit- just want to add that it was working in 5.05 app2usb to move dlc to external hdd but there seems to be some problem with it now


Fire Member
DarkSoftware Silver
Jun 1, 2018
any luck with this? I can't install anymore games on my ps4 since the internal is too full and I have a little space on the app2usb external still. I wanted to move things over so I can install games again but I haven't had any luck. I tried deleting some games but its still like that.