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Forum - DKS

problem dumping a ps4 game to external hard drive


회원 | Member
회원 | Member
Jun 2, 2018
hi everyone i have got a question that i need to know

I have manage to jailbreak my ps4 with 7.55 firmware with a esp device it takes a while and I get a lot of memory errors. Once in and able to dump a ps4 game I do not see a message that my CUSA disc starts dumping to the flash drive. The message shows that the percentage jumps to 91% and I get the following message repeated every minute:

Waiting for application to copy
91% complete...

Yet it gets stuck here and doesn't move. If I remove the flash drive and check it on my computer there are no files there, nothing seems to have copied onto my hard drive
For whatever reason the dumper is not dumping at least not the the USB drive.

On Modded Warfare's tutorial video on YT titled (EP) 6 RUN PS4 Disc Games without the Disc Retail to fpkg (7.55 or Lower!) he addresses the issue at the 8:37 timestamp. I managed to get into the console files, deleted the file he suggests but then I cannot start the game. If I reboot the console the game starts, but my guess is that that file is back. So this solution didn't work for me.

My USB drive formatted in exFAT. I have the game installed from my own personal copy and the play disc is inserted when I attempt the dump and the game is running at the main menu. Firmware version is 7.55.

so does anyone know of a way around this cos shadow of tomb raider and marvel spider and fifa 19. thoses 3 ps4 games keep getting stick on different percent and wount copy to hard drive for some reason. it gets stuck on a percent like one of the games marvel spider keeps staying at 71 percent and does not copy to hard drive.


Staff member
Forum Moderator
Dec 23, 2019
Run the game, minimize it with PS Button, open webbrowser and run FTP payload and look in the following directory


Rename bdcopy.pbm to bdcopy.pbm.bak and then run the dumper and it should dump.
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