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Orbital, an experimental PS4 emulator, now supports video output


The developer AlexAltea (Alexandro Sanchez) has uploaded a video showcasing some very interesting developments made to his own PS4 emulator called "Orbital". The major feature being showcased, however, is the emulator being able to output graphics for the first time, which is made possible thanks to a reimplementation of the PS4 GPU graphics pipeline and a recompiler for AMD'S GCN bytecode.

In the aforementioned video Orbital is shown booting a PS4 5.XX kernel into safe mode and displaying a CE-343XX error, which can be taken as reminder of how it's still not meant for users at the moment as it's not able to emulate a working system just yet, let alone play any kind of games. However, the feat becomes quite impressive when taking into account that the error refers to a HDD failure, something the dev was expecting as the emulator was not booted with a valid HDD image, and also how the project has only been in development for a little more than a year.

If you need some background information on Orbital, it's an open-source PS4 low level emulator which is currently being tested with 4.55 and 5.00 decrypted kernels. The project is different from other console emulators as it's virtualization-based, something made possible by the custom x86 CPU found inside Sony's system and it consists of a fork of GRUB modified to boot PS4 targets (orbital-grub), a SeaBIOS fork for PS4 hardware (orbital-bios) and a fork of QEMU with Aeolia (APU) and Liverpool (Coprocessor\Southbridge) support (orbital-qemu).
