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Reviews [Official Review] Bounty Battle [Nintendo Switch]




"When a game is so bad it is actually humorous... you should make a review that is just as bad and humorous"

-A smart guy I met on Discord-

"I' am about to end this game's whole career (and I'll end my own career as a reviewer in the process)"

"Probably the worst fighting game I have ever played"

"Why... just why?"

"It's like you mixed Play Station All Stars Battle Royale and Brawhalla and threw some indie game characters into the mix (THAT MEANS IT IS BAD)"

"Brawlhalla is still better than this game"

"A very unprofessional review"

"I don't think I'll receive more review codes after I am done reviewing this game"

"How I lost my job"

"Who thought this was a good idea?"


When you think fighting games what do you think of? Games such as Street Fighter, Tekken, Super Smash Bros, Soul Calibur, Skullgirls or maybe that one game you never heard of but somehow showed up at EVO.

But I am pretty sure hardly anyone thinks of Brawlhalla, a free to play game...
Or Sony's failed Super Smash Bros Clone...

But here we are and that's just what this game is, a rare mixture of bad and worse.


Explaining how this game feels is easy, it "feels like Brawhalla + Play Station All Stars blah blah"

But I am sure not everyone has played those games so let me explain:

It feels janky, slow and unresponsive, there are no special moves/button combos like in those "other" fighting games, all you can do is press - in this case either X or Y + Up or Down and that's the closest thing this game has to special moves/button combos... an amazing total of 2! Count them - 2! Special inputs or button combos for you to choose from.

There's also AN STAMINA BAR.
That's right, this is so you can't spam moves because... reasons??? That's not how fighting games work at all!!! What were they thinking???

I guess this is the only way they found to balance the game.

I should also mention that the game simply doesn't feel smooth, maybe because of the effects that appears sometimes when attacks connect? It interrupts gameplay and it is very distracting.

Music and Sound

The music that plays on each stage seems to come from the game each stage is based off and it sounds good for the most part but again that may just be because the music from the game the stage represents is already good, but then there's the menu music - it is just awful, it is a mess and it tries too hard to sound cool.

Then there's the distinct lack of sound effects in the menus and also the fact that the music sounds muted.


I think most of the budget for this game went to the little intro video with all the characters because, aside from a few stages and characters this game just looks super rough.

Take Owlboy and Luis for example... they look fine but almost every other character looks either ugly or out of place...

The UI is absolute garbage, it reeks of Play Station All Stars Battle Royale, it's so bland and uninteresting.

Characters animations feel rigid and unnatural in a way, considering each character only has a few attacks I am surprised by how unpolished these animations are.

Final Thoughts

While I love indie games this feels like a cheap cash grab. "Just put as many indie game characters as you can in the game, I am sure fans will buy the game because their favorite character is in".

Can you imagine how disappointed and cheated out of their money that "someone" you are hoping to sell the game to would feel if they got their hands on this mess of a game? I know I'd be pissed (and I kind of am).

I hope they can fix this game but I doubt they will, its flaws lie so deep in the game's core mechanics and the lack of focus on fun gameplay. It also feels so unpolished in other ways that I just don't think it's possible to fix it.

I am sure this reads more like an extremely long rant more than a review but I simply don't have many positive things to say about this game. DO NOT buy this game, it is not worth the money or the space it would take on your SD card.

Gameplay: 2/10
Music: 7/10

Graphics: 6/10
Sound Effects: Sound effects?
Story: Don't bother

Final Score: 2/10

"I have never played such an awful (fighting) game before"